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Seriously, Can't they keep our food supply clean? - Printable Version

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Seriously, Can't they keep our food supply clean? - BarEdul - 05-15-2016

Posting this for those who miss this crap!  Geeze people you would think they MIGHT have noticed sooner.   I think however, that a lot of the inspectors are too busy with their coffee to catch the little stuff... like this! 

I got this link from a dear friend this is serious and a BIG recall!  Over 360 "brands" of frozen veggies and fruit!  Buyer beware 2 are dead! companies such as Trader joes, and Safeway,  and ALSO Great Value (wal mart big brand cheap veggies)

Also you can get a full list here of each "brand"

Butttttt veggies could NOT have made you sick honey they are good for you!