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German village plays prank on neo nazis - Printable Version

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German village plays prank on neo nazis - Vizth Hal - 11-17-2014

The almost 1,000 inhabitants of Wunsiedel have been trying to stop these demonstrations every time, to no avail. They held counter demonstrations and formed action groups dedicated to tolerance, commitment and moral courage.

Read the rest here, has good pictures too.,7340,L-4592903,00.html

RE: German village plays prank on neo nazis - Twitchin Kitten - 11-17-2014

That's freakin' hysterical.

RE: German village plays prank on neo nazis - TenFour - 11-17-2014

i cant get behind that at all. those are people seeing their heritage sold out from under them by their government much the same as is happening in England's metropolitan areas. granted nazism sucks balls because its socialist and facist which i can't get behind either but people frankly should be allowed to segregate if they so choose and not have multiculturalism forced on them.The only place this actually happens is in the ghetto, because nobody that can afford to not live there wants to, because they don't want to be a crime victim.

RE: German village plays prank on neo nazis - Twitchin Kitten - 11-17-2014

Well naziism isn't a heritage, it was a massive brain washing.

RE: German village plays prank on neo nazis - TenFour - 11-18-2014

oh you mean like the main stream media is trying to do on the mike ferguson was innocent shit


RE: German village plays prank on neo nazis - Twitchin Kitten - 11-18-2014

You're not going to convince me Naziism is OK when my father was one of your non-pansy assed veterans who VOLUNTEERED to fight them. Not going to happen.

ex's Father
Matt's grandfathers both

Sorry. Just isn't going to happen.

FYI - I don't pay much attention to the news but for the weather and local shit. I'm 99% sure those guys marching are not for the simple working man description of the meaning. Either way, nothing I've quickly researched says anything about it being a heritage of the German people but a political party from it's inception in the 1800's.

and the obvious Wikipedia:

RE: German village plays prank on neo nazis - TenFour - 11-18-2014

Its not that i said naziism is ok, i am against it. What I am for is things like limiting immigration, closing borders, and preserving the heritages of those countries that have contributed so much to the overall advancement of the technology and sophistication of the human race, which is clearly languishing in other areas. Its akin to making 3 kids with an IQ of 130 being forced to play on a playground with 90 kids with Downs' Syndrome, after they clearly stated this is not what I want to do.