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It's more than brown water - LKTraz - 05-25-2014


I know that amongst coffee drinkers there are a miriad of taste preferences.

For me, I like a nice rich hearty brew with a strong but not overwhelming flavor. I think we already have a coffee thread somewhere but I really don't want to take the time to go and find it.

I have a nice Cuisinart Grind and Brew coffee pot which features (go figure) a built in grinder which will grind directly to the filter basket and fresh brew immediately. We have a variety of whole bean coffee on hand which we keep in the freezer to preserve freshness. Nothing super fancy but whole bean french roast, columbian and branded beans from Tim Horton's and Dunkin Donuts.

I'm enjoying some Dunkin right now. Yesterday it was Tim Horton's. Unfortunately Sheetz doesn't sell whole bean in their Seriously Dark brew or I'd have some of that on hand too.

What do you normally have and what is your "special" brew?

RE: It's more than brown water - Twitchin Kitten - 05-25-2014

While in Ocean City we needed coffee and they didn't have our regular as our store isn't in MD. We bought Kauai which is a Hawaiian blend and OMG it's awesome. It's now my favorite regular blend.

Normally I enjoy Stop & Shop brand's Brazilian Bahai or the Kenyan blends as a regular cup of joe.

Tim Horton's I found to be swill as well as Dunkin Donuts. Biker Dude loves DD, but around here that stuff is swill. He must have good ones by him. I had Tim Horton's in MI and it was simply mud.

If you must buy regular stuff, give the original blend of Chock Full O' Nuts a go. Twist has been converted Wink

RE: It's more than brown water - LKTraz - 05-25-2014

The Chock Full available today is a far cry from what it was even in the 70's. It just doesn't work for me.

As I said......a miriad of different tastes. Now for me, how anyone can drink the nasty shit that Starfucks passes off as coffee is a mystery. BUT......they have stores everywhere and make a killing so.......

RE: It's more than brown water - Twitchin Kitten - 05-25-2014

OMG Starbucks is swill. Bitter, vile swill.

RE: It's more than brown water - Mustang - 05-25-2014

Have not drunk coffee since 1974 can't, beat a cup char or gunpowder tea

RE: It's more than brown water - Mustang - 05-25-2014

Have not drunk coffee since 1974 can't, beat a cup char or gunpowder tea

RE: It's more than brown water - TenFour - 05-26-2014

8 o'clock medium roast original in my house, we have a keurig, wife buys that expensive shit i buy 8 oclock and regrind it to espresso fine because i prefer coffee that will melt a plastic spoon.

you can waste money on 10 dollar refillable kcups but the kind i got at kmart in the as seen on tv section were 4 for 10 bucks.

RE: It's more than brown water - Twitchin Kitten - 05-26-2014

Eight O'Clock is good coffee too. The A&P used to sell it and let you grind your own years ago.

We use the Keurig too, but I bought those same As Seen on TV cups and they just fell apart in a few days. Three years ago I bought these refillable brown cups on sale, something called EcoCup or some stupid shit like that. Normally $16 if you find them online, Stop & Shop sells them for $10 each. So far they worked out to .33ยข / year and going strong. Smile

Kcups are friggin expsnsive! You're paying for the paper and plastic instead of the coffee which is expensive enough as it is.

RE: It's more than brown water - Vizth Hal - 05-26-2014

i use my keurig mainly just get the elcheapo coffee and drink it by the gallon with milk and sugar. it's rare i treat myself to good coffee.

RE: It's more than brown water - Twitchin Kitten - 05-26-2014

Stop & Shop brand is cheap AND exquisite. Give it a try.