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Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - Printable Version

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Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-11-2014

What an incredible bunch of faggots.

Aggravated cat is subdued by Portland police after terrorizing family < clicky

Go read the story. I saw this on the news just now and they showed the baby. Baby looked fine. Couple of "holes" on her forehead but nothing like a terroristic cat attack!

Fucking guy kicks the cat in the ass across the room and he wonders why the cat is pissed? He doesn't deserve pets or children.
I'm sure the screaming didn't help.

They can give me the cat. It'll be happy here.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - ralgith - 03-11-2014

Fucking idiot needs kicked in his ass by a bulldozer or something, given the disparity in size between a human and a housecat. I hate fucking animal abusers. Ugh.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - TenFour - 03-11-2014

[Image: 10007504_10152081112451840_382603524_n.jpg]

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-11-2014

I'll bet the part of the story you are not going to hear about is how the cat got hurt from that kick in the ass and that's the entire reason for it's "violence". Injured animals don't always stay calm and reasonable. I am almost certain that kid did something to cause the cat to swat at him and I bet that cat is injured. Wonder if he's 'whole'? Now a kick in the 'nads certainly will send him into a rage.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - twisteroo - 03-11-2014

I saw this on the news and also thought the guy is a great big asshole, and a goddamn pussy for having to run to the media and shit about how a cat bested his ass.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - LKTraz - 03-12-2014

MaryPat was saying that on Jakson Galaxy's (My Cat From Hell) FB page he mentioned that the kid pulled the cat's tail.

Now a kid that small doesn't know better so no blame there. shit the cat took a swipe at the kid! I dare say that the faggot dad OVER reacted and kicked kitty so the cat simply reacted by getting pissed at the dumbass. DUH Crazy

Bet ya the kid learned not to mess with the cat.
Bet ya the cat stays away from the kid now.
Bet ya dumbfuck has no idea how idiotic he looks right now.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - TenFour - 03-12-2014

bet ya id have just shot the cat or tossed it out the window depending what was faster.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-12-2014

I read today the cat is going to receive therapy. facepalm

Didn't bother to read the article because it was already absurd. Why aggravate myself?

Just send the cat to me. It'll be happy.

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - SuZ - 03-13-2014

Stupid idiots.

People like this piss me off. They don't deserve any pets!

RE: Cat terrorizes family - forced to call 911 - twisteroo - 03-13-2014

Mr Boots should have finished the job and killed them all. Now that would have been funny.