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Doritos Glory Hole - Printable Version

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Doritos Glory Hole - Twitchin Kitten - 01-28-2014

OK anyone bothering to watch the Superbowl on Sunday please let us know if they dare to run this commercial. Doritos ran a contest for this years commercial and this is one of the top 5 contenders.

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - JohnWho - 01-29-2014

Um, I see the possibility for an x-rated version of that.


RE: Doritos Glory Hole - Twitchin Kitten - 01-29-2014

I dunno... the sucking action of that guy on the finger is a little too 'revealing' if you know what I mean!

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - Rhubarb - 01-29-2014

Anyone remember what the I call the area of the kitchen that now houses my washer and down stairs loo?

Until someone told me what it means in the US!

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - Twitchin Kitten - 01-29-2014

Atyou poor trudi

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - TenFour - 01-30-2014

my 70 year old aunt called me about that commercial she said my uncle loved it and he is a dirty old man and begged me to vote for it, i did not because i shun all organized sports and anything that affiliates with it i will not even buy football based meal deals from fast food places i HATE JOCKS FUCK YOU ALL!!!

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - SuZ - 01-30-2014

hahahahaha that add is gross

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - Twitchin Kitten - 01-30-2014

(01-30-2014, 12:58 AM)TenFour Wrote: my 70 year old aunt called me about that commercial she said my uncle loved it and he is a dirty old man and begged me to vote for it, i did not because i shun all organized sports and anything that affiliates with it i will not even buy football based meal deals from fast food places i HATE JOCKS FUCK YOU ALL!!!

Settle down. You're going to bust a vein.

Go Flyers!

fuck football. bunch of overpaid criminals.

(01-30-2014, 05:05 AM)SuZ Wrote: hahahahaha that add is gross

It is. Doritos are gross too. Anyone who eats some can be detected by their breath from 10 feet away easily. No exaggeration. Bag of nasty, crunchy chemicals.

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - TenFour - 01-30-2014

i like them cool ranch doritos locos tacos though i can't lie about that

RE: Doritos Glory Hole - LKTraz - 01-30-2014

Doritos in all their junky goodness are almost as good as pretzels with beer.