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Dropping like flies - Printable Version

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Dropping like flies - Rhubarb - 10-22-2013

Not a joke but I think it's funny

I've been away from work 18 days. Arrive Monday to unlock the shop and catch up with messages. Usually it's about the 'Green Brigade' (addicts on Methadone).
1. James has been transferred now he had moved back to live with his mother.
2. Steve has been missing since Wednesday, so is not to be supplied without contacting the clinic
3. Jason had be re-admitted into hospital
4. Steph' is also in hospital due to overdose.

* So here is the crunch
James is Steve's brother. They fight like hell. 'We' think James has killed Steve if Steve is 'missing'. Shok

Jason is a mess. He has gangrene and will not allow his foot to be removed. He is on loads of painkillers and Methadone and other drugs which do have a street market. We/his doctor/the clinic and the hospital know he is selling his prescription drugs.
He asked to go back into hospital after discharging himself. It turned out he wanted protection from the gang he had been selling to. Haha
(The clinic called us because they couldn't find him- are they the gang?)

Steph? She has been desperate for the new boyfriend not to know she is an addict. We think she's just been dumped Sad

As one of the other 'clients' commented
'F*** the place goes to pot when you go away'

Time to book more holiday

RE: Dropping like flies - Twitchin Kitten - 10-22-2013

Warmer weather and we'll head west this time - and more days! and get your damn MC license so we can rent bikes and be all bad-ass.

OK don't you guys make them take their methadone right in front of you each day like they do here? This way they can't sell it on the street.

Goddamn methadone is worse than heroin. At least you can cold turkey heroin but not Methadone. Shit will kill you. Three week lockdown detox on that stuff here. Been through that shit with my ex's sister.

RE: Dropping like flies - TenFour - 10-22-2013

when even fucking crackheads won't touch a certain drug that should tell you something right there...

RE: Dropping like flies - Rhubarb - 10-23-2013

(10-22-2013, 04:41 PM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: Warmer weather and we'll head west this time - and more days! and get your damn MC license so we can rent bikes and be all bad-ass.

Yep- going to get time off work to do just that

Quote:OK don't you guys make them take their methadone right in front of you each day like they do here? This way they can't sell it on the street.

Yep- and nope, depends on the circumstances.
Jason wasn't selling his Meth. That is supervised. It's the Diazepam, Temazepam and the Oramorph he is on for the gangrene.

Steph is back - totally hyper- which very worrying- being bipolar is her problem. She really needs to be sectioned but her grandmother is afraid she will never be allowed out again.
Her problem is as thought- boyfriend has gone back to his wife (!)