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Marriage up for debate..again - Printable Version

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Marriage up for debate..again - FreudianSlip - 03-27-2013

[Image: 429859_282333215161617_2093148810_n_zps041dee36.jpg]

RE: Marriage up for debate..again - Twitchin Kitten - 03-27-2013

You all already know how I feel. I feel if two people want to be married they should be able to do so. They should also be allowed equal rights and benefits same as opposite sex couples.
I feel this has nothing to do with traditional marriage but a bullshit money decision by heavily lobbied insurance trade.
Being homosexual is not a new concept. It's been around before Jesus and organized religion. If the Bible is the thing used to define marriage, then we do not have a true separation of church and state where the law cannot use religious findings (or whatever the proper term is) to make law as our Constitution says.

Who friggin cares? Let people who have committed loving relationships be happy.

RE: Marriage up for debate..again - twisteroo - 03-27-2013

If they live and work and contribute to society they should be allowed to do whatever they damn well want.

RE: Marriage up for debate..again - LH - 03-28-2013

Gay people should feel the pain of divorce like everyone else.

RE: Marriage up for debate..again - Gunnen4u - 03-29-2013

Meanwhile, all sorts of legislation is probably being passed while the mob riots over catamite marriage. When it was obvious Obama got his ass kicked in the debates and was utterly fucking things up, all he had to do was make a comment about vagina rights, and the mob was swayed in hysteria much as they might be now.


The OP is terrible in that by arguing some people fucking marriage up = gay marriage will be ok or even better. I don't see the logic really.

Besides, marriage is dead in America anyhow, really. Half the children in the US are born out of wedlock nearly in a grand failure of society and increase of the social state to compensate for it. Gay marriages will boring and suburbanite in comparison.

Some Mark Steyn for you:

Quote:The sooner some judge somewhere takes gay marriage off the table, the sooner the Right can go back to talking about debt and Obamacare without being dismissed as uptight theocratic bigots. But it doesn't work like that. Most of the social liberalism comes with quite a price tag. The most reliable constituency for Big Government is single women, for whom the state is a girl's best friend, the sugar daddy whose checks never bounce. A society in which a majority of births are out of wedlock cannot be other than a Big Government welfare society. Ruining a nation's finances is one thing; debauching its human capital is far harder to fix.

The whole article is readable.

The point of the article is that with the gay rights obnoxiousness, cultural marxism makes a relatively empty triumph in gaining any legal recognition of their unions as the institution they are desiring to join has been slaughtered already by similar culturally marxist forces. May as well kick a dead enemy I guess. If marriage is dead, I simply don't give a shit either way anymore, so you may as well give it to them to shut them the fuck up.

Frankly, I am coming around to the view that since all rationality and decency has died in public discourse, there is no reason not to oppress people on pure principle. Because they are asinine and annoying. *Rights* don't exist unless someone says they do anyhow.

I just wish all of this would go away so I can stop listening to weakling white middle class pricks cry about it and raise "awareness".