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I tried to "Go Green" but... - Printable Version

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I tried to "Go Green" but... - Twitchin Kitten - 11-20-2009

I think I just wasted my money.

I bought the Marcal brand Small Steps TP and the paper dinner napkins and I gotta say it's truly not worth the price.

I am 99% sure my usual ScotTissue is made from recycled paper and it beats the "green" labeled stuff hands down.

That Small Steps stuff is like cardboard on my ass and you can literally see through it, it's so thin! Never mind that I have to use double the amount due to it's flimsiness and does not hold up for normal use!

Forget the napkins - you need to set everyone's place at the table with two napkins. Wiping your mouth if you've eaten something 'messy' only causes the thing to disintegrate into tiny bits. Good thing there is napkin #2 for backup!

Does anyone else use these new "go green" products they're trying to shove down our throats? Do you find them a waste of money and not very efficient?

I do use Simple Green cleaner and have been using that for ages and ages and I find that is useful. I'm afraid to try the other products out there for cleaning.

And please tell me why the recycled and green stuff for the most part is more expensive? If they want you to go green at least make the crap they're selling affordable!

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - Rhubarb - 11-20-2009

Yep! Agreed Friends

I find the recycling of rubbish/garbage totally mad. Either recycle everything or not at all. The 'blue' bin is only suitable for bottles/cans/newspaper/magazines/paperback novels or directorys/cardboard and plastic milk cartons and pop bottles.

Now as I see it all these items are actually bad for your health.
bottles: wine cider pickle sauce
cans: beer beans fizzy drinks
newspapers etc: cause depression, racing hearts (novels) blood pressure (directories looking for a tradesman) pizza boxes (cardboard)
milk cartons, well why not yoghurt and marg' tubs?

Things I think should be recycled go to the tip- garden compost/ piggie bedding/household items like broken vases, glass plates paper tissues (we get through 2 boxes a week with allergies and emotional moments)
uneaten pizza and piggie fur and plastic tubs.

I could go on and on.............

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - LKTraz - 11-21-2009

Bottom line......

"Green" products cost more because someone is making a tremendous profit from these inferior products. They are made shoddily and marketed as good for the environment on purpose. That purpose? MAXIMIZING the profits of those folks like AlGore.

Better for the earth? I don't think so due to the fact that you generally need to use 2 - 3 times the amount of the stuff to get the job done. So much for waste reduction. But that DOES sell even MORE of the expensive junk thereby putting even more cash in the coffers of Mr Gore and his ilk.

Now that I've clarified that, can someone tell me just how buying carbon credits will save the earth?

I HAVE gone green in the past and intend to do so in the future. Compact fluorescent lights have reduced my electric bill by a significant amount. Enough that they have easily paid for themselves and continued to save.

I want to see what effect the new L.E.D. lights will have. Considering that CFLs rated at 60 watts only draw 15 watts I would think that a 60 watt LED would draw maybe 1 - 2 watts. This would be a significantly lower power draw and thereby save even more money.

MY green is cash, thank you. Going green in my book is saving money.

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - LKTraz - 11-22-2009

Upon reflection (and a trip to the store) I realized something.

The "new" "green" buttwipe is what USED to be the "cheap stuff" that many businesses would put in their restrooms. We used to call it "John Wayne toilet paper".

Why John Wayne?

Because it's rough, tough and won't take shit from anybody!

Really lends credence to my assertion that this stuff is all designed to make profits for the "Green Gurus" while making the unwashed masses feel good about doing their part to "save the planet".

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - Twitchin Kitten - 11-22-2009

Matt equated it to the same stuff! I like the name you all give it though! Rofl

If you ever examined the paper you will actually notice some wood splinters in it too. The store brand garbage is better than this stuff and that's saying a lot!

It is designed to line the pockets of these greedy, super wealthy, big mouthed, megalomaniacs. The whole go green thing is bullshit too. We have to recycle and my damn town doesn't even have a recycling facility for the stuff! They call it the recycling center but it's just a dump where you can bring leaves and bulk trash.

The bottles and cardboard are all tossed into one big truck and brought to the city landfill. I've been told this on more than one occasion by city officials.

Pretty pathetic isn't it? We were actually doing better before this on our own.

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - LKTraz - 11-22-2009

Yeah. Back in the early and mid 60's I used to go around the neighborhood (as did many other kids) and collect old newspapers then take them to a place that would pay us for them and recycle them.

Now you are supposed to offer the shit up for free "or else".

Back then we had incinerators and not all this landfill crap. "They" determined that incinerators were bad and landfills were the answer.

Now we have the technology to incinerate this stuff and NOT send massive amounts of smoke and pollution into the air but what do we do? Continue to use landfills but bitch hand over fist about them!


RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - Rhubarb - 11-22-2009

You reminded me about collecting stuff for money as kids. We used to go looking for pop bottles on the beach after the 'grockles' had gone home. We'd wash them and take them back to the shop for 3d refund.

Some of the 'clients' are doing just that too. Like two lads (my God I wouldn't want to mess with them) after seeing they were on very thin ice and next the 'mess' would see them on holiday paid by the Queen, they started cleaning waste land and ditches to see what they found. Bit by bit they collected enough metal products to save for a van (which sadly blew up) they rolled into the scrap merchant to weigh in carried on and now have a proper van and 'business cards'! (backs of Cornflake packs with a phone number).
They got a contract to clear a building site of stuff the demolition didn't want. Electric cable. They were stripping out the copper and chopping up the plastic to recycle when the police raided them. They said the drug squad just stared at them in amazement, apoliged for smashing down the door and left.

I did suggest to Aaron he recycled all his piercings and he could by a HGV! He like that idea- sadly he grinned- he has no teeth Blush

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - SarahK - 11-25-2009

I've recently started cleaning with the ol' vinegar and baking soda - actually it's pretty good. I excpected the place to smell of vinegar, which it does for about a half hour, but then the smell is gone and everything is fresh!

I use diluted vinegar in a spray bottle for all my surfaces in the kitchen. A mix of soda and vinegar in the bathroom - its great in the shower - soap residue won't stick to vinegar. I even managed to clean the ceramic hob (the devil made ceramic hobs!)

So far thats my only environmentally friendly move, though I did buy earth friendly laundry detergent this week though I've not used it yet. And we will eventually get some solar panels for the house.

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - LKTraz - 11-25-2009

I think what bothers me the most about the whole going green thing is that the ideas are NOT thought out before the big push comes.

If they were the push would not come.


Gasoline powered cars emit hydrocarbons so they are labeled bad. Electric cars are "clean" so they are labeled good. Electric cars need to be charged which requires electricity. This electricity is generated in a power plant which is typically powered by burning coal which emits more hydrocarbons than gasoline. DUH!

Now......we need cleaner generators of electricity. Ok, wind just won't produce enough to cover it but....even when we go to do a MASSIVE wind farm the greenies scream that it will affect birds and the three penised woggafucker so it's not to be. Very well...hydro power. Nope. That will alter the flow of rivers and affect the snaggle tailed clam licker so no go again. Solar? Well.....the massive amounts of solar panels needed will make the planet's surface darker and speed up global hoax....uh warming, so nix!

The only REAL clean power is oh so taboo......NUKE!

Damned morons talk out the sides of their asses.

RE: I tried to "Go Green" but... - Twitchin Kitten - 11-25-2009

What they should do is require all new homes to be built with solar power. 100% solar. Government grants / incentives to anyone who converts all older conventional electricity to solar.

In say 15 years everyone goes solar - I'm talking homeowners and landlords - residential only- then there should be enough to sell BACK to the electric company to help power your town or city.

Massive advances have been made with solar recently. The panels are more flat, flexible and lightweight than ever before. It's becoming more cost effective to convert your home to solar and as long as you can get a collector on a roof, you can power your building.

I've used solar powered electric fences for ages when i had my horses and I tell you the battery is STILL good on that tiny charger I have in my basement not being used!

I always have the good ideas!