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No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - Printable Version

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No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - Twitchin Kitten - 01-18-2013

Well, they finally did it! Want your profile private? Forget it.

On Facebook, users can no longer hide from search results <-- clicky

Go to the Facebook page without logging in and they back this up.

Check out some of the comments.

This thread goes hand in hand with the one above it called "Privacy Stealing Bitches"

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - ralgith - 01-18-2013

Fucking whore dogs. This is why I hate social media.

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - Twitchin Kitten - 01-18-2013

I like the way they try to rationalize it to make it seem like it's OK to expose you to everyone whether you want to or not.

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - ralgith - 01-19-2013

Fuck facebook

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - BarEdul - 01-19-2013


RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - AnthonyG - 01-19-2013

whats the point in being on a social network if your not going to be social lol

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - Twitchin Kitten - 01-19-2013

Many reasons Anthony. Take me as a prime example. I had my account there on near full lockdown and that maniac found my page, spoofed a page in my name, scammed my friends into thinking that was me and then proceeded to harass me on my website pages as well. Things like this have caused that fuck and others like him to dig more easily into personal info for the sole purpose to do criminal activity.

SOME people don't want to make friends with every person on the planet because they are not all kinds of lonely outcasts that think having the most friends on facebook is a status symbol.

SOME people don't use the social networking as a tool to be part of some gigantic world-wide community to belong to because they are such pathetic losers in real life they haven't left the confines of their room for weeks at a time.

Some people actually use the social networks for specific purposes and don't want to be spammed and scammed.

Facebook, Google and other entities on the net are tracking your every move. Not cool and I don't need them telling me what adverts suit my needs, scamming into my email and spamming me there and more without my permission. Have a read on the other stuck thread here called, "Privacy Stealing Bitches". It'll enlighten you.

If you don't mind everyone and anyone in your "business", then open up your pages to anyone and everyone and get as many friends as you can. It's "your" thing and that's OK. I just don't like it done without my permission.

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - ralgith - 01-19-2013

What if I wanted to hide my page while job searching so that prospective employers can't see it and judge me based on it? Current studies here in Michigan show that over 70% of employers search facebook and/or twitter for the names of people on their "interview list" to check them out. And that's just one good reason. If you try you can think of many many more Wink

Sure, its only privacy from the casual, not from a determined freak; however it has many uses Wink

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - AnthonyG - 01-19-2013

I dont hide my fb so people can search me, but what they can see about me is limited. You can hide so much that the person will click your page and see just your name no picture or anything else. All they get to know is you have a fb and I think thats part of the reason fb took away the ability to hide yourself from the search. If someone is searching for you there going to know most of your name.

RE: No More Privacy on Facebook - it's official - ralgith - 01-20-2013

(01-19-2013, 09:38 PM)AnthonyG Wrote: I dont hide my fb so people can search me, but what they can see about me is limited. You can hide so much that the person will click your page and see just your name no picture or anything else. All they get to know is you have a fb and I think thats part of the reason fb took away the ability to hide yourself from the search. If someone is searching for you there going to know most of your name.

Except this makes you unable to hide your info also. Hence the issue.