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Can my friends here help us out? - Printable Version

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Can my friends here help us out? - FreudianSlip - 01-02-2013

Hello, all. As you know I live in Rochester, NY...which is right near Webster, where the four firefighters were ambushed, costing two of them their lives.
There is an official petition started to award these heroes the Medal of Freedom from President Obama. 35,000 signatures are needed to achieve this goal.
You need to sign in with an email address to do this, but it is well worth it.

RE: Can my friends here help us out? - LKTraz - 01-02-2013

Wait a need to PETITION Pres. Obama to do this? And in order to sign the petition you must join the website?

I was an active volunteer firefighter for over 25 years and consider all firefighters to be my brothers in arms and absolutely agree that Lt. Mike Chiapperini and Firefighter Tomasz Kaczowka should be posthumously and Joseph Hofsetter and Theodore Scardino should be awarded these medals.

But why do I need to register at I'm not very trusting of the government in the first place and ESPECIALLY not so with the current administration.

Should you come up with a petition that does not require me to register with a government operated website I will gladly sign.

RE: Can my friends here help us out? - FreudianSlip - 01-02-2013

Yes, you have to register, in order for your signature to show (shows as first name, last initial and City/state)
I am sure it is not a conspiracy or anything. I am sure the medal is not only in response to a petition...but it is something being done to ask the White House to honor these 4 men.

RE: Can my friends here help us out? - Twitchin Kitten - 01-02-2013

No, FS, I won't join that site either. I would have gladly signed that petition but when you sign up on that site, more than your name and city and state are now in the database there. I don't trust the government not to gather info and I already have a kook harassing me for no reason, I don't need the government watching me by my own hand as well. If they want to gather info, let them do it themselves.