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Had to send laptop in for warranty work - Printable Version

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Had to send laptop in for warranty work - FreudianSlip - 12-03-2012

My laptop is less than 2 years old, and it shit the bed last week. Would not wake up from sleep mode, and then made a horrid beeping sound when I tried to fire it up. Tried all sorts of fixes, including removing the battery and all. No luck.
It is probably not worth the repair job, but figure if it is all warranty work, why not. It just is not in the cards for me to replace it right now. And it is not even 2!! WTF.
I am using a borrowed one now, from my husband..using Windows from a couple generations ago. I will just get used to this one and mine will come back. Only bad thing is that I did not completly back up mine....and may lose some data. I am only concerned about a couple of files, and some pictures. But I shall live.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - Twitchin Kitten - 12-03-2012

I was wondering what happened to you.

Just make sure you get your hard drive back. I can teach you how to recover your files. It's easy as long as the hard drive didn't have a total meltdown.

I still think Windows XP is Microsoft's best operating system.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - FreudianSlip - 12-03-2012

Yep, just took me a while to get back up to speed. My first priority was to redo some files I needed for work. But that was easy, just a bit time consuming.
Thanks for the offer of help with the hard drive. I will let you know when I get it all back. Won't be for a week or so. I just gave the broken one to Fed Ex on Friday, so the repair plkace won't even get it until tomorrow. They sent me a pre-paid box. When It comes back I can just pick it right up at Fed Ex , as it is just down the road from my work. By the way, I like this cow...Cow

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - ralgith - 12-04-2012

I wish you'd let us know before shipping it off. You may have been able to solve this with a simple Tech Trick Wink

Remove the Battery, then hold down the power button for 30 seconds (I usually do 45 seconds to be safe) so that all of the capcitors on the motherboard fully discharge. Then try again. This fixes the issue you described around 70% of the time.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - FreudianSlip - 12-05-2012

Ral....did that already...did not work. Thanks anyway.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - Discarda - 12-05-2012

Also the beeps or amount of are usually an indicator of the problem.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - ralgith - 12-05-2012

(12-05-2012, 05:48 PM)Discarda Wrote: Also the beeps or amount of are usually an indicator of the problem.

Aye... and here are 3 excellent sources of beep code definitions:

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - Discarda - 12-06-2012

A lot of people don't know that and take the beeping as a reason to freak out and do the fraggle rock.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - FreudianSlip - 12-06-2012

I am glad I posted this here. I never knew the beeping had significance. It still alarmed me a bit, as I have never had a computer do that before. Now I understand why the tech guy I had on the phone had me "make it beep" so he could listen to it. He told me that would help them when they are repairing it.
I hope that if it can be repaired it will be coverend under warranty. If I have to pay too much out of pocket, I may just tell them not to bother and go get me a new one.

RE: Had to send laptop in for warranty work - ralgith - 12-06-2012

(12-06-2012, 11:31 AM)FreudianSlip Wrote: I am glad I posted this here. I never knew the beeping had significance. It still alarmed me a bit, as I have never had a computer do that before. Now I understand why the tech guy I had on the phone had me "make it beep" so he could listen to it. He told me that would help them when they are repairing it.
I hope that if it can be repaired it will be coverend under warranty. If I have to pay too much out of pocket, I may just tell them not to bother and go get me a new one.

Or just send it to me and I'll work on it a heck of a lot cheaper than they will Tongue
Sure, you'll have to pay postage, but meh... it'll still come out way cheaper (unless its a motherboard issue, which I suppose could be Tongue)