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Pets and Halloween - Printable Version

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Pets and Halloween - FreudianSlip - 10-26-2012

This picture is cute, and funny...but true. Love the black dog's sign. Goes for your cats, too. Bring your pets inside, keep them safe.


RE: Pets and Halloween - Twitchin Kitten - 10-26-2012

Don't even get me started on the retardedness of Halloween around here.

But to your point, yeah, with crime rates way up lately, keeping your pets indoors is the best idea. You don't want some faux Satanist trying out some stupid ritual on them or other fucked up shit they can think of.

RE: Pets and Halloween - Twitchin Kitten - 10-26-2012

I feel bad for anyone 'scaring' my dog. They'll be done for and I'll have a dog bite lawsuit on my hands Sad

RE: Pets and Halloween - FreudianSlip - 10-26-2012

I have a couple black cats in my neighborhood who are outdoor cats. Hope their owners seriously remember to leave them inside.

RE: Pets and Halloween - John L - 10-27-2012

I don't have to worry much about Charlie and the kids coming around, even dressed up like goblins. He loves everyone so much, he will be all over them in a heartbeat. he goes crazy on Halloween, just knowing that there are so many children out and about. Somehow he can see through all the costumes.

He's a sight to behold. In fact, I have to yell at him to come back, or he will start heading out with the kids, following them around on their circuit. I have to keep reminding him that he is to stay at the house, and not go out Trick-or-Treating on his own.

That's why I love Shih-tzus: great lap dogs, and people oriented.