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Nov. 11th - Printable Version

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Nov. 11th - Pickles - 11-11-2009

Veteran's day
Rememberance day

Pomegranate Month
Prematurity Awareness Month
Real Jewelry Month
Family Stories Month
Family Caregivers Month
Roasting Month

RE: Nov. 11th - Twitchin Kitten - 11-11-2009

Roasting month? What are we going to roast? People? Giggle

Matt wanted so much to take off for Veterans Day today but his asshole boss loaded him up with a huge job he couldn't trust anyone else with. And he thinks he pays him enough! Ha!

[Image: bsm_us_navy2%5b1%5d.gif] <--- thats for you Crackerjack.

RE: Nov. 11th - Twitchin Kitten - 11-11-2009

Show some support for veterans!

At the bottom of the home page is a box of link banners. Two USA veterans groups and one UK - If you cannot afford to donate anything at least try the America Supports You and send a GI a friendly letter.

Mail is always something our guys and gals overseas looks forward to.

RE: Nov. 11th - Twitchin Kitten - 11-11-2009

The ass-wipe that Matt works with today equated doing construction work with Matt's service in the Navy.

That imbecile said doing construction and "making the country beautiful" makes him deserving of thanks on Veterans Day!

Matt was so pissed he was dumbstruck by such idiocy.

I told him to come home and grab his Kuwaiti Liberation medal and stab him in the temple with the pins on the back of it. They're long enough to reach his pea brain.

RE: Nov. 11th - Rhubarb - 11-11-2009

Some people just have no idea about what's been done for them. The 11th is SO important.
I was really mad at Phil' and two of his friends Sunday when I always take time out for the 2 minutes silence and watch the Queen lay a wreath at the Cenataph on TV. They were being really loud mouth and boorish in the hallway as they were getting ready to go out, so I sceamed at them to shut-up! Butcher

I don't loose it often and the boys just froze, still half in coats and getting ready. They didn't move for the whole 2 minutes. Then they crept out of the house without a word.

On a lighter Uncle emailed to say he can still get into his uniform on Veterans Day and do the buttons up. He retired in 1988.