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Iphone5 Anyone? - Printable Version

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Iphone5 Anyone? - AnthonyG - 09-14-2012

Figured it might be fitting to post this in the nerd section, so anyone preorder the Iphone5? I know some will say well the iphone isnt the fastest and what not so why do it. Anyone thats used one can tell you though the user experience is like no other phone out there.

That is why I like it also their changes to hardware and software are usually good but not to the point where its annoying. Most people at their core hate change or when things are totally redone and get confusing. I don't really care either way because the phone has and does work well for me and what I do.So anyone else preorder?

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - Twitchin Kitten - 09-14-2012

You mean to tell me that you have an iPhone all this time and you haven't turned on iMessage in your settings causing me to pay for texts? You little bastard! Biggrin

I'm not going to preorder anything. I'll wait until next spring when my phone contract expires and I'll just get the new phone at the discount price. I won't pay a crazy amount of money for it. It's great, but it's not worth the price of a full sized computer.

My only gripe with it is Apple refuses to allow flash on there. Makes running the games from the chat room difficult - impossible actually.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - AnthonyG - 09-14-2012

Tell me what to download and I will download it just for you lol, yeah I have had a iphone for a while. I had the 3g on AT&T then switched to sprint because of the better plans and had to get the evo. That phone sucked ass so when the 4s was available on sprint I opened a second phone line to get the discount rate lol.
So thats how I am able to upgrade every year, you actually make money because you sell the previous model for like 400+ dollars and you only paid 199 under contract. With sprint its only 10 dollars a month to keep a "dummy" phone on a line under a family plan.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - Twitchin Kitten - 09-14-2012

iMessage is in your iPhone settings:

iPhone > Settings app > Scroll down until you see Messages > tap it > iMessage is at the top.
Turn it on. It's in iPhone 4 and newer. If you have older, then you need to find the iMessage app in the iTunes store.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - AnthonyG - 09-14-2012

I got the 4s I just never used imessage it says waiting for activation though.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - Twitchin Kitten - 09-15-2012

that's weird. It should instantly turn on. Its' part of the iPhone 4 system. Same with all calls iPhone to iPhone no matter the carrier (i think) being free.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - Twilla - 09-15-2012

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - Twitchin Kitten - 09-15-2012

Yeah and they stand to make like $100 million off the change for the new wire alone.

I do like the idea of the smaller port though. I'm not buying the powerfulness issue though.

I'll wait for Dylan to chime in on that since he knows best on stuff like this.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - ralgith - 09-15-2012

They do actually have a valid complaint that Micro-USB is limited. However, they have once again gone with a proprietary connector that will cost more for the end user instead of using an open usage connector that can be made by anyone for multiple devices and will thus be cheaper. Go figure. Its Apple.

You may also want to check this out, shows step by step why Android's newest version destroys the iOS6.

RE: Iphone5 Anyone? - Twitchin Kitten - 09-15-2012

I'm sure China will develop a mess of cheap cords like they already did for the current iPhones.