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Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Printable Version

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Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-19-2012

OK, this is why I don't go in the ocean here any deeper than my knees anymore.
This is the beach by our house that we go to all the time.
This video is taken like 50 yards (as you can see from the opening shot) from shore of a mess of what look like brown sharks feeding.!

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - John L - 08-19-2012

Nothing more than either sand, or sand bar sharks. Either way, they are not really dangerous, and only feed on small fish mainly.

Hey, the ugly little secret is that everywhere on the ocean coast, there are lots of sharks out there. They're everywhere. Its just that we can't see them. And they leave us alone, with a few exceptions like tigre and bull sharks. Even Great Whites don't really care for humans, because we don't have enough body fat. If one of them hits us, it is because we look like a seal. Great Whites don't have the best eyesight.

Besides, sharks are very timid animals. They have to check us out several times before they even think about going after a human. Humans swim around sharks all the time, and never get bitten, for a reason.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - AnthonyG - 08-19-2012

I was watching a program about sharks and they said a part of the reason most people don't die from shark attacks is because once a shark bites down on any part of the persons body they realize they are not food for them and swim away. Multiple bites on one person is very rare and the ones that tend to die from the attacks is because the one bite was in a area that caused excessive blood loss.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-19-2012

We have brown, blue and bulls here. If it gets really warm great white do show up but for some reason they like it up north around Montauk Point more. People get bit. I don't buy that shit that we are not their food or are afraid of us. Fuck that.

I'll stay out of the water thankyouverymuch.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - LH - 08-19-2012

Good I agree. If I was stuck out in the water in the middle of that I would faint.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-19-2012

Matt walked across the back of a shark once. He was out right about where that frenzy was taking place too. He never set foot in the water again. That was 12 years ago.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - LH - 08-19-2012

Shark skin is like sanpaper.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-19-2012

No it's not. It's smooth like a dolphin.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - LH - 08-19-2012

I was always told they were rough on the top. I've never petted a shark though.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - ralgith - 08-19-2012

(08-19-2012, 09:49 PM)LH Wrote: Shark skin is like sanpaper.

(08-19-2012, 09:52 PM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: No it's not. It's smooth like a dolphin.

Depends on the breed.