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Ghost Story Time - Rhubarb - 10-31-2009

So does anyone have a ghost story? Shock
A real one, that you saw, or heard about?
A recent one or one your granny told you?

I have a couple:
Yesterday Ellen Karen and myself were travelling on the train this is what I heard from the girls. They were sharing a bed but seperate duvets, it is a huge bed/sofa now installed in Christine's room.

'Did you roll over and hug me in the night?'
'No, but you hugged me'
'I did not, you were hugging me as if I was a teddy bear'
'I woke up and you were going 'sup-sup-sup'
'You were going sup-sup-sup, I thought you were drinking your juice, I woke up and you were asleep.............'
'Uncle Halle said when he slept in Christine's room he felt someone sit on the bed and pat his arm'
'It's very warm in her room isn't it?'
'Not in the corner where my suitcase was, but I think its the chimney, I put it in the grate so it was out of the way, but the heating is on....isn't it Trudi?'

I'm trying to read the paper.
'No the heating isn't on in that room, the radiator needs replacing so its out of the system. It is a south facing room and Christine was always hot in there. She rarely had the heating on. Were you girls cold last night?'
'No' They both said, looking at each other.
'Karen when Christine hugged you whe she saw you how did she do it?'
'Sideways- She would pin me down from one side and hug my body with her hands holding my other arm in a grip with her hands'

Ellen nodded thoughtfully.
'How did I hug you in bed last night Karen?'
'You hugged me sideways too'
'I did not hug you'

A man sat on the same seat as us was listening.
'Excuse me, can I make a suggestion?'
'Do you think your friend came in and hugged you during the night?'

Both girls looked at me.
'Trudi, do you think it was Christine?'
'I think it was your imagination'

She did hug everyone 'sideways' I have a very old photo in frame of her hugging her dad 'sideways', we are all in the picture being silly. She kept the photo by her bed.

As for the draft in the chimney, well the chimney flue was blocked up and a box closes the soot shelf. Christine hid our Christmas presents in it if they weren't too big. There is no cold spot.
Christine always drank juice noisy too.
*We never told the man on the train that Christine died this year and Ellen and Karen have never met until this week, and through Christine's friendship had just made friends.

When my dad was a 'rookie' copper, he was on night duty down by the harbour. It was cold very clear frosty night. There is a lifting bridge over the harbour and he was heading for it on his tour of the harbour wall, so he could have a cigerette. There he saw a woman right on the edge of the harbour wall and then she jumped in. She was too far away for my dad to call to her so he ran to the spot and there was a big puddle, but the water under the bridge was very still. He called his Sargent and told him about the woman.
The Sargent said not to worry he had seen the Bridge ghost.

RE: Ghost Story Time - obycencio - 11-01-2009

Well... this is a story my mum told me when I was little:

My mum used to live in a small town near Hidalgo. Her granny had a farm there where she grew corn, beans, rice, peas and fruits... My mum was 3 years old and loved that place. She helped her granny fed the animals and picked some veggies and fruits daily. But also daily her little shoes dissappeared and were found hidden in the crops!
My mum told her granny that at night, a blonde lady was taking her to the crops and comb her hair until dawn, just where the little shoes were hidden.

The family decided it was weird and that most probably her daschund doggie was taking her shoes to the crops, so they crated her doggie so it cannot take her shoes again... it didn't worked! Mummy's shoes kept dissappearing over and over again... and the lady still visited my mum night after night.
They decided to take mum to the local priest to see what he can do. He suggested that my mum should be baptised and so they did... that same day, the lady stopped visiting mum and the shoes never ever dissapeared again...

Oh! Almost forgot to mention... a blonde lady dressed in white used to visit my brothers and me when we were kids... and we never told each other until we knew about what happened to my mum... Wink

RE: Ghost Story Time - Rhubarb - 11-02-2009

Ellen told me about her stay with at her father's friends guest house.

She was 15 and her father took her to a party there. She got very tired and because there were plenty of bedrooms the friend sent her to bed. The next morning she got up very late and the house was in a mess and there was no one in.
She went into the kitchen to get a drink and something to eat. Then she went through the swing door into what would be the guests breakfast room. The next room had double frosted glass doors into a living room the guests could go and relax in. There were no visitors because it was out of season. Then she saw a person walk past the glass doors. She open the door thinking it was a party goer, but the room was empty. She went into the hall and the front door was shut and had a curtain over it, so no-one had come in.
She went back into the breakfast room and waited and again she saw the person in the room. Then she was frightened because the person was too small to be her father or his friend. Ellen went into the kitchen to find something heavy since she thought it was a thief.
Her father came in through the back door and she told him about the intruder.

The friend said there is an old lady ghost in the house and she always tidies the table in the front room. He never touches it now because what ever he put on the table she clears away. Ellen thinks she saw her cleaning up after the party. Only one area was tidy, in front of the window in direct line of the double doors.

RE: Ghost Story Time - Vizth Hal - 11-02-2009

Not sure about ghost stories, but i visited the place in Tennessee where bell witch was supposed to have lived. was kinda creepy XD

RE: Ghost Story Time - Twitchin Kitten - 11-03-2009

I have three.....

My kitchen was 'haunted' for the first couple of years when I bought this house. Things would mysteriously fall off the counter. Pots, pans, bowls - all heavy objects. things would on occasion go "bump" when the room was empty too.

It was later found out that prior to the people we bought the house from (they lived here 3 years) the original owner's wife died here. Her name was Dolly and she loved this place and told Gladys (next door) that she wanted to die here in the house. She did.

I think she was making sure we loved the house too. We do - we just hate where it is! She does not come around anymore since we remodeled the kitchen.

Granny. For years I felt her "behind" me for no reason whatsoever. Nothing in particular would set off these feelings of someone behind me but I would get a little meloncholy and weepy when it happened and start thinking about Granny. I think it was her making sure I knew she would be with me always.

When I was 5 I "floated" down 3 steps. I remember this as clear as it happened yesterday including the clothes I was wearing.
I was following my father out the apartment building's back way and it had 3 steps down to the door. I do not recall tripping, but I floated head first down those steps and landed on my feet and told my dad, "I floated!"

Needless to say he dismissed it as a wild imagination but it was quite a feeling for me!
I always wondered if there was someone looking out for me? Was I saved from a header down those steps by some spirit left in the building? Maybe my recently deceased grandfather?
I'll never know.

RE: Ghost Story Time - Rhubarb - 11-05-2009

I always think there is a guardian angel for small children, when you hear some of the scrapes they get through without explanation.