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Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Printable Version

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Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Discarda - 07-13-2012

I think it would be nice for us all to post pics of our hounds in one thread, becoz i goddamn love dogs and would like to see all of yours without having to go hunting to find them, Plus give a little bit of background story on them on how you acquired them, I always rescued dogs becoz I feel there are so many that need rescuing that you shouldn't go get a new one...

First up...

I have two dogs this one is called Alan, i stole them both from people who were mistreating them and never looked back i got Alan at around 3 months i stole him from a street heroin addict who was not feeding him... Hes a foxhound/brindle staff.

[Image: 59269811148656637018.jpg]

[Image: 53621765618958239086.jpg]

[Image: dzg60.jpg]

Any chance we could sticky this thread, as a little member doggie index? Dog

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Discarda - 07-13-2012

Second up This one is called Maximus, i observed him being chained to a post outside a barn for a week he had a bowl of water that was completely frozen over and as far as i could tell he had not been fed in that period, so i bolt-cut the chain and nabbed him and took him to a vet. vet said he was a little over a year when i got him hes around 8 now, hes an English pittbull.

Best most loving dog i ever had he's just a big ole 30kilo cherry hog.

[Image: 29x18m.jpg]

[Image: 15p4o45.jpg]

[Image: 10ygpr6.jpg]

<3 I will be inconsolable when either of them die...

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2012

Goddamn if Maximus doesn't look like Daisy! Right down to the white tips on the toes. Does he drool when he wants that burger?
I'll sticky this for you too. I'm just waking up so I'll get my dogs up in a bit.

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Discarda - 07-13-2012

Thanks, lol yes there will be strings of drool hanging from his chops when he gazez at teh burgaz, but he dare not approach it, he knows he will get a bite at the end Wink

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2012

OK thread stuck on ESAD's request.

here are my dogs. Both American Pit Bull Terriers

The late, great Goliath. This is the best dog I've ever had. It was Matt's dog when I met him but G-man switched sides after living with me. Until his last day that dog would take a bullet for me. Nobile, loyal and I felt absolutely secure and safe knowing he's on guard.
Matt rescued him from some assholes who were abusing him.


He loved the mud and being dirty


Christmas gift from Santa, 2005


A bit older, around 2009. We lost him New Years 2010. He was 16.


This is Daisy. She's our little princess. She thinks everyone on the planet is there to play with her. She doesn't have a protective bone in her body. We got her from "friends". They asked us to babysit her one weekend and they never came back for her. They lose. She's a great little dog.

As a pup - don'tcha just wanna kiss her face?


Two years old:


If you look closely, she's smiling. It's really hard to get her to not wiggle all over when she smiles. The tail never stops and she's a happy little clam all the time.


And here she is begging for whatever Matt was eating.


This is what used to happen when you gave the both of them plushie toys!


RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2012

I thought pit bulls were outlawed in the UK? I know they allow Stafforshire Bull Terriers but my friends over there say no pits allowed. Legally anyway.

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Discarda - 07-13-2012

LOL they are both smashing hounds, sorry for your loss on Goliath but sixteen years is most certainly a very good innings, I can tell you know I would have addopted either of those at the drop of a hat, smashing Smile Dog

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Discarda - 07-13-2012

(07-13-2012, 08:25 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: I thought pit bulls were outlawed in the UK? I know they allow Stafforshire Bull Terriers but my friends over there say no pits allowed. Legally anyway.

*Cough cough* I don't think I have ever even seen a pitbull inmy life most certainly not max.

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2012

You should have seen the grief over at mock about having pit bulls. Fucking fear mongers over the breed. I'll take pits any day. Best family dog ever. Not anyone can own dogs like these. You have to know how to handle them and not let them bully you. They are TERRIERS, not bulldogs. That's why they're so tough!

RE: Post your mans best friends all in one thread... - Discarda - 07-13-2012

Yes I understand, if I walk away for five mins, he still be a few feet away but my burger will be unscathed, he knows I lead the pack, and for being part the pack I make it worth his while, also at mock I was always winding up Le Clown about me having an ace pitter, she used to get all snobbish and tell me he was a time bomb, I used to tell here that came down to whomever the fuck raised him, I'm a fine dog trainer.