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Human Flesh Pills - Gunnen4u - 05-10-2012

No, I am not fucking with you:

Quote:The grim trade is being run from China where corrupt medical staff are said to be tipping off medical companies when babies are aborted or delivered still-born.

The tiny corpses are then bought, stored in household refrigerators in homes of those involved in the trade before they are removed and taken to clinics where they are placed in medical drying microwaves.

And people think China will be the one to dominate the world in the coming decades....

Isn't Asian medicine great?

RE: Human Flesh Pills - Aurora Moon - 05-10-2012

Um, and what is this supposed to treat, exactly?

RE: Human Flesh Pills - Twilla - 05-10-2012

"There is a huge demand for the pills which are thought to enhance stamina. Microwave-dried placenta is also sought after for its alleged ‘medicinal’ benefits."

I hope this is some kind of a hoax.

RE: Human Flesh Pills - Twitchin Kitten - 05-10-2012

Maybe the new Chinese take over of US Banks will find a funding source to peddle this crap.

RE: Human Flesh Pills - John L - 05-10-2012

Tait, in answer to your post, Asians, particularly Chinese, have this 'thing' about sexual stamina. And when you mix it with superstition, this is just one of the results. And you are correct about your question of domination in the future. PRC is its own worst enemy.

Joan, about PRC SOBs(state owned businesses), let them buy a bunch of banks. So many raised hell about Japan doing this very thing in the 80s. Even Michael Crichton, with all his wisdom, wrote "Rising Sun" over this theme. Japan was trying to conquer the world economically. Or so they said. Actually, Japan was overflowing in cash and had to find places to stick it.

But a strange thing happened on the way to world domination: Japan over extended itself, the entire system crashed, and Japanese had to sell off everything at 50% of its value. Americans made out like bandits. So what makes you think that this won't happen again to another Asian Familial oriented system?

I say let them pour billions into our economy. Because when it crashes, and believe me it will, Americans will again make out like bandits. I say bring it on! Free Trade is the only way to go.

RE: Human Flesh Pills - AnthonyG - 05-12-2012

Placenta is actually used in alot of things and in shampoos, human placenta is claimed to have a energy boosting property on top of other things some doctors have said. Not sure reason why but even some celeb's are having their placentas after having their kids dried and turned into pills.

RE: Human Flesh Pills - Twitchin Kitten - 05-12-2012

Placenta is full of protein, that's why. Human flesh is entirely different.

I'll stick with my chemicals instead of recycled body parts thankyouverymuch.

RE: Human Flesh Pills - Gunnen4u - 05-13-2012

Ever seen placenta? Good times.

RE: Human Flesh Pills - Twitchin Kitten - 05-14-2012

I have. Equine. It's gigantic!