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Surgery Under Torchlight! - Twitchin Kitten - 04-19-2012

Can someone tell me why hospitals in the UK do not have emergency generators so this shit does not happen?

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - BarEdul - 04-20-2012

UMMM BECAUSE they are stupid? OR they lack foresight?

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - Rhubarb - 04-20-2012

This is Scotland.
They have their own health system.. their choice.

We in England foot the bill Diablo

In Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland prescriptions are free for everyone. In England we have a set fee for every item. It has just gone up to £7.65 per item. The money goes central government to fund the other countries.

We English are not happy. As soon as Scotland get the devolution they want the better.

(They may just regret it though)

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - Twitchin Kitten - 04-20-2012

Devolution? You mean they're seceding from the UK and going as a separate country? England is letting that happen willingly? Unlike their stranglehold on Ireland?

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - LH - 04-20-2012

It does come down to the have nots wanting the ones that have pay. They really should try communism.

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - LKTraz - 04-20-2012

Welcome to the principle of QUANTITY over QUALITY.

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - Rhubarb - 04-21-2012

The Scots and the Welsh have their own parliament now, have for some years. They still get their funds from central government (London) but budget themselves.

The Scots now have a Labour majority, so have pressed to be their own country financially, in other words any Scottish income stays in Scotland and belongs only to them.
It will take ages to finalize and at the end of the day will not happen.

Ireland is a totally different kettle of fish, nothing to do with devolution. Both Scotland and Wales come under a Royal charter (so does Normandy in France, but Henry VIII, blew that away).

Scotland became part of England when James I became king, he was king of Scotland and inherited the position when Elizabeth I had no heir.

Wales, much the same, Edward I offered the Welsh their own 'leader', who couldn't speak English when he invaded and lived at Camarthon (brilliant castle there). He cheated the Welsh really by offering them his new born son. That is why the first born son of the Monarch is always the Prince of Wales.

RE: Surgery Under Torchlight! - John L - 04-21-2012

(04-19-2012, 11:03 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: Can someone tell me why hospitals in the UK do not have emergency generators so this shit does not happen?

Oh, that's an easy one Dear. Its because the health care system is run by the All Caring, All powerful, All encompassing, and totally inept State/Government.

Don't you just love Big Government? [Image: s18.gif]

And we're headed that way too, if the Supreme Court doesn't strike ObamaCare down. The Dumbasses are not about to do away with it.