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Did you think "Donnie Darko" was a confusing movie? - Printable Version

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Did you think "Donnie Darko" was a confusing movie? - Twilla - 03-19-2012

Assuming you saw it, of course.

The reason I ask, I kind of compared it to a new show "Awake" (good show, by the way) and I got this in reply:

Quote: You know what was a confusing movie? Donnie Darko. But I still loved it.
Mary S posted on Mar 9 2012, 12:56:0 PM [ Reply ]

Donnie Darko is only confusing if you don't understand theories on space time, Einstein-Rosen bridges (wormholes), or pretty much what they plainly spell out through the use of the book he reads.
As for this show, I hope it doesn't get rated as "too smart". I also hope they actually get headier with it since there's a lot of potential to comment on the nature of reality and the power of the observer in this set up.
Alyssa Forss posted on Mar 18 2012, 11:31:29 AM [ Reply ]

Were you being facetious or are you saying you actually *do* understand theories on spacetime and Einstein-Rosen bridges (wormholes)? Are you a physicist? Or just pretentious.
Mary S posted on Mar 18 2012, 3:10:4 PM [ Reply ]
Many lay people (non-physicists) actually do understand the basics of the Einstein-Rosen bridge. It's not all that difficult to understand.
JenЅciϜi ༜ posted on Mar 18 2012, 8:50:53 PM [ Reply

Really? I don't have ANY background in physics, layman level or otherwise and I certainly shouldn't have to have one to watch a movie that's trying to appeal to the general population.

What is it about me that attracts assmoles like this? I was simply commenting on a movie I enjoyed on a forum for a show I enjoy. Gah.

And what the hell kind of bunny suit was that?

RE: Did you think "Donnie Darko" was a confusing movie? - Twitchin Kitten - 03-19-2012

Donnie Darko was not hard to understand. WTF is right. This person must get nuts watching Star Trek if he/she thinks they need a science degree to understand time shifting!

Needle them..... I'll have to do some digging around for specifics, but Voyager had a ton of that time shit and so did Enterprise. Ask how that shit works and make them squirm. Spiteful

RE: Did you think "Donnie Darko" was a confusing movie? - Twilla - 03-20-2012

I've been reading/watching science fiction since I was a child and I had a problem with DD. Wormhole? Alternate universe? Dying synapses dreaming the whole thing? The movie wasn't based on hard science, so for them to claim how easy physics can be is off topic and distracting.

I've seen people say "Inception" was confusing and I didn't have any trouble with that one at all. Start showing some weirdo in a creepy bunny suit and I lose the plot.

RE: Did you think "Donnie Darko" was a confusing movie? - Twitchin Kitten - 03-20-2012

I think the bunny suit was his own psychosis added in. I never saw the movie in its entirety until like last year. I never latched onto what the whole phenomenon of it's cult popularity is. I don't remember much detail of the film because it didn't leave too much of an impression on me, but wasn't he a bit "off" mentally anyway before the accident? I think that's the weird creepy bunny bit.

I think that whole time shifting thing is like you say, some get it in some movies, some don't and vice versa. It's all in the way a story is told I guess.