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NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Printable Version

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NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Gunnen4u - 03-02-2012

I shit you not:

There really is no winning with Moslems, no matter what you do. Especially when you remove a secular tyrant in exchange for Islamists to be control.

I'd feel pretty dumb right now if I was the US Gov't, more so if I was the British Gov't as well as anyone else who led the NATO effort there.

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Biker Dude - 03-02-2012

We should fucking riot and kill any muslim we see. That's what these ass bandits would do. What bunch of fucking cockroaches.

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Gunnen4u - 03-02-2012

They'd do the same to any non-Muslim. In fact, they already do. Woe to any Christians or Jews in Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and perhaps Syria if we manage to go fuck that all up too. The fact they decided to go kick over war graves of people who removed the original Italian colonial gov't and the Nazis speaks volumes (mostly because those men are non-Muslim).

I used to ignore all the diversity sentiment about Muslims and all the PC bullshit. Now, hearing it infuriates me and I have no hesitation of telling the truth or making uncomfortable inquiries. After my having dealt extensively with those of the original Middle Eastern variety, another Crusade for the sake of destroying them would have my participation. Especially people who would riot and burn over a stupid book being burned. I could give a bugger if the Bible was burned, and I read it from time to time.

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-03-2012

What a bunch of worthless, ungrateful shits.

Matt and I were in a restaurant when the invasion to Iraq was still fresh. Maybe it was 05 or so. There was a soldier there looked like he just set boots down in America after a long haul and we thanked him. He sat down and shot the shit with us and the conversation came around to the Iraqi people. I commented that they just seemed quite ungrateful for all we did to free them and he said, "That's it! I couldn't for the life of me put my finger on the problem but that's it exactly. They're ingrates, all of them."

I stand firm in my comment to this day. These idiots fail to recognize that Jesus was a huge part of their religion and an important person for them. All they know is the bullshit, twisted lies that have been handed down to them and know other way than violence. I hope they all kill each other.

I'm so glad my family came here when they did. When I was a kid, my father used to make me think the whole of "Arabia" was like a magical place - just like you read in books. I wanted to go so bad. I wanted to see pure bred Arabian horses, magic carpets and the beautiful golden domes of the mosques. As I grew older all I saw was a land full of hateful people who haven't learned to be civilized. And to think this is the place where we got math and language and studied the stars!

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Gunnen4u - 03-03-2012

Eh, it was a place we got all those things, till the whole region fully converted to Islam, and all the intellectual abilities died out. I do mean that, and as much as people would try to tell you otherwise in today's revisionist history, the Islamic period of greatness only lasted as long as the subject populace wasn't fully converted to Islam yet. But, people gloss over this because it doesn't paint such a wonderful religion in a shining light. Fuck I hate political correctness.

I've seen a lot of impressive stuff over there in terms of architecture and Ziggurats, etc, and yea, it's amazing how much was cut short in the birthplace of civilization by Islam. There is no arguing over this, period.

Your father likely thought of it with warm nostalgia since he was thousands of miles away and didn't live there anymore. It's a fucking shithole now, I will tell you that. Even oil and money rich Kuwait fucking sucks and is really no better than Iraq, or any of the other dumps I toured through and people need to be gassed.

The Arab Spring is going to prove to be a miserable one, I will say that. Especially in Egypt and Libya. Hamas is now taking up residence in Egypt. And you wonder...

Fuck Islam.

(And no, I do not want to hear some faggoty bullshit about Christianity, Buddhism and other religions being just as bad or whatever fucking garbage someone shoveled in your face. Christendom and the Church promoted literacy, the arts, and all sorts of other amazing things so fuck you, Islam really does suck and everything else is literally better as a value system.)

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-03-2012

Yeah, they even dress like low lifes now. You'd see old drawings of colorful robes and veils, those goofy pointy-curled shoes and stuff like that. Now you see these morons walking around in the fucking pajamas and plastic sandals, women in burkas or very plainly dressed.

You're right about Islam. My family got out when they saw this shit coming. Islam took away all the magic of the Middle East and left nothing but depressing hate in it's wake.

Build a tall wall around the whole place and fill it with water.

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - LKTraz - 03-03-2012

I maintain that I have a multi-faceted solution to this and another problem.

The US home based problem deals with a particular waste product.
That being: excessive amounts of pork by product waste. Commonly this is known as lard.

A notable food waste company (Mopac) is having difficulties disposing of this product owning to stiff federal regulations regarding the methods that are acceptable. As well, NIMBY type folk are less than amenable to the inconvenient occasional odors from the processing yet still wish to enjoy their fair share of pork products.

My solution: Let Mopac transport this problematic substance to military bases which host KC 135's and other airborne tankers. Load said aircraft with said substance and have the planes overfly the Islamic middle east and from a high altitude (so as to gain the greatest spread) dispense their loads thusly disposing of the unwanted pork fat and as well defiling the land and inhabitants to the point that they will never deign to live on that land and also deny them their "reward" of 72 virgins for their impending martyrdom!

The ignorant fucks will have no other choice but to commit suicide in order to "cleanse" Islam and thereby rid the world of their miserable presence!!!!

Brilliant Biggrin

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-03-2012

The hippies and human rights fuckers will not let it happen.

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - LKTraz - 03-03-2012

Yeah but it's still a great plan subject to implementation upon a suitable change in the political scene......isn't it? Tongue

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Gunnen4u - 03-03-2012

Well, as much as that sounds nice, I doubt anyone will implement it.

I often ponder other more feasible ways of killing them.