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Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Printable Version

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Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Twitchin Kitten - 02-07-2012

Hi all my old mock friends. It has come to my attention that ol' Dickie has been a lying sack of shit over there and you should really know what kind of a bullshit artist he truly is.

Sadly, he posted his little tirades in a members only forum so you all can't see the truth.

I would be happy to move it to the open if everyone else here agreed to that.

No rules were changed. You can read them as guests on this site. ONE sentence was taken out of a sticky in the members only area because it directly contradicted with the set of rules that overrides anything on this board. These rules have been in place since 2005.

No one was butt hurt, well except for him since he's crying to you guys.
Two members were "scolded" but Dick seems to think it was one sided because he carried on with his trolling and Smegma stopped.
No one came crying to any admin or mod about anything.
I took it upon myself to end his bullshit because it's tiresome. I think two years of his bullshit was long enough to run out my patience.
The only rule he consistently broke was trolling. He's been a good little boy here to everyone else the entire time.

So, Dick - when you go crying about me to Duchess to have your bruised ego stroked, at least have the decency to tell the truth.

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Twilla - 02-07-2012

I'd reply to Frank that the reason I'm so "invested" in the topic is because I'm defending a friend from a lying liar that lies but they blocked me from even seeing that thread. Censorship at its finest.

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Twitchin Kitten - 02-07-2012

Yeah, gotta love the hate that festers over there.

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Twitchin Kitten - 02-07-2012

I still see you Wink

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Havoc - 02-07-2012

Does this rule still exist in the made members area?

"you're free to say whatever you want about whoever you want in here"

If it does not then the rules have changed and I didn't lie but you did.

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Havoc - 02-07-2012

Would you consider this thread trolling?

Oh my, a thread posted just to illicit a response from another member.

Pretty much the same thing you got pissed at me for.

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Twitchin Kitten - 02-07-2012

Your lack of understanding is astounding. Go read the main set of rules.

You can say what you want, you just can't troll. YOU were TROLLING. What part of that don't you get? Now go cry to your friends over there and try, really try to understand what happened.

Be a good boy and make me a sammich.

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Biker Dude - 02-07-2012

Sounds interesting. Do you maybe have a link to this forum so we can all go enjoy?

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Havoc - 02-07-2012

(02-07-2012, 11:59 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: Your lack of understanding is astounding. Go read the main set of rules.

You can say what you want, you just can't troll. YOU were TROLLING. What part of that don't you get? Now go cry to your friends over there and try, really try to understand what happened.

Be a good boy and make me a sammich.

so are you trolling as well as bringing content from made members to the open forum, which is opposed to another rule in there right?

RE: Hello Mockers - I hear we're the talk of the town this week - Twitchin Kitten - 02-07-2012

Nope. I'm not bringing anything from that forum out here. I'm just letting your little friends know what a liar you are over there. I brought nothing out here.

Please don't try to argue this with me. You couldn't even understand the conversation yesterday, what makes you think you'll understand it today?