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Three Stooges 2012 - Printable Version

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Three Stooges 2012 - Twitchin Kitten - 01-29-2012

Apparently there is a release of a new Three Stooges movie.

Originally they wanted to cast Sean Penn, Jim Carey and Benicio Del Toro. Having Jim Carey would have killed it for me. I can't stand him and his ham acting. Every movie he's in turns into one of those "It's all about me" festivals and kills the whole story.

This cast suits the film much better.

Anyway, official trailer below and a LINK to the official site and cast list.

RE: Three Stooges 2012 - LH - 01-29-2012

Hollywood needs an influx of originality. Although "The Artist" might be kinda cool to watch. Curly in this adaptation fits the bill.

RE: Three Stooges 2012 - Twilla - 01-29-2012

I'm embarrassed, I actually laughed several times at that vid.

RE: Three Stooges 2012 - Twitchin Kitten - 01-29-2012

(01-29-2012, 11:58 AM)LH Wrote: Hollywood needs an influx of originality. Although "The Artist" might be kinda cool to watch. Curly in this adaptation fits the bill.

Hollywood is too busy partying at the White House and influencing politicians to be bothered with having an original thought these days.

RE: Three Stooges 2012 - twisteroo - 01-29-2012

I will have to look for it on netflix.

RE: Three Stooges 2012 - LKTraz - 01-30-2012

Well, I must say they ended up with good casting. They even sound very similar to the originals.