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SOME booing? - LKTraz - 11-21-2011

CBS news reported on the crowd reaction to Michelle Obama and Jill Biden at the NASCAR final in Florida.

From: CBS News Political Hotsheet

First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden, Vice President Joe Biden's wife, were booed by some NASCAR fans as they served as the grand marshals for the racing circuit's final event Sunday.

Obama and Biden were at the Homestead-Miami Speedway to promote Joining Forces, an organization that promotes the hiring and training of veterans. They were joined by Army Sgt. Andrew Barry, a veteran of the Afghan and Iraqi wars who now volunteers at an Orlando, Fla., veterans center, and his family. The clip shows that people cheer for the soldier, but boo when the two women's names are announced. There are some audible sounds of approval, but they seem to be mostly drowned out by the dissenters.

However, there's been some dispute as to how drastic the booing was. ABC News reports that a source who was with Obama said that no one at the event could hear the booing over the "loud chaotic program with jets flying over and tons of noise."

Tony Stewart: amazing win, NASCAR champ again

And according to the Associated Press, the women received a standing ovation at the pre-race driver's meeting. Obama also spoke at a NASCAR-Joining Forces barbecue for military families. She talked to the the military children at the event, thanking them for their sacrifice of being strong while their parents are away.

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Yeah......nobody would EVER guess that the crowd at a NASCAR event would react that way to either of these ladies.

Hell, I would think that these two must attend every NASCAR event being as they hold the fans of stock car racing in such high regard! Rolleyes

Oh and yeah, they also just loathe....uh LOVE, yeah that's it....LOVE our military.

I can just imagine the conversation before the event:

Michelle My Belle: Well Jill, we're supposed to open this race as the honorary masters of ceremony.

Jill From The Hill: Yeah, since our side has pissed off the communists in America we need to get the vote from the ignorant hicks.

RE: SOME booing? - Twitchin Kitten - 11-21-2011

Know what? Booing the ladies was a classless act. I don't care if they are not liked, but they were asked to be there. I doubt they muscled their invitation and to behave like animals only gives the impression they are low life hillbillies who were raised by wolves. Why give Obama the cause to call them ignorant, gun toting, beer drinking bible thumpers?

RE: SOME booing? - Twitchin Kitten - 11-21-2011

FYI - that video stinks. I couldn't even hear them say, "Start your engines" because the sound crapped out.

RE: SOME booing? - Jamminitin - 11-21-2011

Eh-why should she deserve any special consideration? She says she is proud of America for the first time in her adult life when her husband is elected president, she walks around with an effing scowl on her face half the time.

Fuck her, she deserves it. I'm glad they did it.

RE: SOME booing? - LKTraz - 11-22-2011

Although it was classless of the crowd to boo, it would make no difference since Obama and the lefties think that NASCAR fans are hillbilly hicks anyway. I doubt that anything they would have done could change that opinion.

Jammin has an excellent point, Michelle does walk around looking like she is scowling most of the time. I think she needs bent over a chair and buttfucked so her expression changes. It might get even more pissed off looking but at least it would change!

I know the recording is shit. It IS possible that CBS purposely muddled it in order to cover up the crowd reaction. After all, they ARE enamored with the Obamas. The fact that they were anywhere near that race is due to the involvement with the Joining Forces program. You can be pretty sure that THAT is where they are attempting to get votes for Barry and Joey. Whoever decided to book them for this event is either clueless, arrogant or both.

RE: SOME booing? - Aurora Moon - 11-22-2011

I think that "scowl" might actually be just her neutral face. from what I see she has those high arched eyebrows that gives her an permanent angry face. and those eyebrows are just naturally high and at an certain angle, just like a Vulcan's.
see her as a teenager: she had those eyebrows even back then.

She actually looks quite pleasant when she's smiling, but if she reverts back to her normal, neutral expression where all of her muscles are relaxed... then people assume she's scowling.

I guess she can't win at all... she has to smile all the fucking time, otherwise people just assumes the worse of her!

I don't even know her as a person, and I don't really care about her at all. However from that viewpoint I have to sympathize with her. my Neutral expression apparently gives people the impression that I'm sad, etc.
I've even had family members asking me if I was all right, etc.... and then telling me "But you look SO sad!!" and I have to tell them: "I'm not fucking depressed or anything, okay?? this is just my netural face!! this is how my face looks when all of my face muscles are relaxed. damnit, I'm so sick and tired of people always assuming the worst of me just because of the way my face is!"

RE: SOME booing? - John L - 11-22-2011

My G-d!, what a homely child!

RE: SOME booing? - Twitchin Kitten - 11-22-2011

(11-22-2011, 05:22 AM)LKTraz Wrote: Although it was classless of the crowd to boo, it would make no difference since Obama and the lefties think that NASCAR fans are hillbilly hicks anyway. I doubt that anything they would have done could change that opinion.

But why make them think they were right all along?

RE: SOME booing? - Jamminitin - 11-22-2011

Why is booing classless? The fans didn't go to see her they went to see the races. OWS hippie assholes have been enjoying their freedom of speech, spectators were doing the same thing. Freedom of speech.

RE: SOME booing? - LKTraz - 11-23-2011

I think that it's now simply natural for those of us from the middle to the right side of the spectrum to wan to give off the best impression even though we KNOW that the lefties will do and think as they please regardless. As TK alluded, this is so as not to give them validation. The problem with that line of thinking is that it assumes the lefties think with the same logic, which they don't.