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The Pacific - Twitchin Kitten - 10-05-2011

Anyone watch this? We're up to disk 5 (episode 9 i think).

It's the Pacific counterpart of WW2 to Band of Brothers (Europe).

It's pretty heavy to watch. And looking at it, I can't believe that my father never saw battle. Matt and I discussed it and there is no way he was in the Navy, as a gunner's mate yet, and not see anything. Matt thinks he may have just seen so much fucked up shit he decided to clam up about it. He never even told us where he was stationed, where he went (no way to be in the Navy and not go anywhere!) or anything. All he said was he slept in a hammock and he still had his wool blanket until I was well into my 20's. There are photos with him on the boat with his mates but that's it. Matt thinks we can look up his service record via his social security number.

But the show, it's hard to watch. Every island was a slaughter. I have a feeling they're even soft-balling this a little too. I think the reality would be too hard for the average person to watch. My imagination runs wild watching it with all the 'extra stuff' they must have left out.

RE: The Pacific - twisteroo - 10-05-2011

Are you watching this on netflix? It sounds like something I would like to see.
My old man was also on a ship in the pacific, and also had no great stories to tell.

Every day was D day in the Pacific.

RE: The Pacific - Twitchin Kitten - 10-05-2011

Yeah, Netflix has it but not streaming - gotta get the disks.

We put Netflix on hold because they upped the prices by like 1/3. Got some "deals" for Blockbuster and they're going to get fired now we saw the whole series. SOB's took a month to get us 6 disks. They sent us disk 3 three times! Jesus H Christ, how hard is it to check the envelope when you tell them they sent you the wrong disk? I got the exact same disk I kept sending back. That's why they were fired in the first place. We're going to restart Netflix and go to the next level down subscription. Two disks at a time and all the streaming we want for the price we paid for three at a time.

I need to figure a way to get my dad's social security number off mom without her bitching at me for why.

RE: The Pacific - Twitchin Kitten - 10-05-2011

Oh and disk six has all the 'extras' on there like interviews with the guys highlighted in the show.

RE: The Pacific - Gunnen4u - 10-05-2011

Yeap, seen it all when it first started coming out.

I think it's a bit more dark and terrible than BoB was in terms of the fighting, but it reflects a reality. Still a damn fine series. I hardly thought we didn't do anymore shows or movies about fighting the Japanese..