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Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Printable Version

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Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2011

Banks to Make Customers Pay Fee for Using Debit Cards <-- clicky

Thats' right folks. Now you can pay anywhere from $5 - $3 for every sale you use your debit card to make purchases. I'm not talking about ATM fees we're already being rooked on, I'm talking about sales with your debit cards.

Click the link at the top for all the banks using this rip-off system.

I'm sure more will be added to the list.

Wasn't the whole purpose of those cards so we don't have to take wads of cash with us everywhere? If I didn't pay my bills online I'd stop using the bank altogether and just cash the check and keep the dough in the house now. I see no point in banks anymore except that my utilities don't have offices locally where I can pay in person like when I lived in NYC.


RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - twisteroo - 09-30-2011

I will refuse to pay these cocksmokers to use my own money.
I use a small local bank, when they start that shit I will stop using them and barter with cans of pork and beans, coffee beans, tobacco, and furs.

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - LKTraz - 09-30-2011

Just another of those "unintended consequences" of a WELL MEANING law jammed through by Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank. Remember when they squeaked so loud about ATM fees? Remember they would "make the banks be more fair" to their customers, so they mandated the fees be cut nearly in half?

Did they actually think the banks would simply give in and not try to find another way to gain that fee? Turns out they did AND THEN SOME!

Fuckers should have left well enough alone! At the time they raised the stink the fees were not that bad. NOW look at what we will be subjected to!!!!!!!

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2011

ATM fees are not cut by any means. They are up. Banks are now charging double the fees thusly:

if you have your bank close by, use their machine - it's free.

If you use say WaWa's free atm, you get no charge from that machine but you get a fee of say $2 from your bank for not using their preferred machine.

If the machine you're using charges a fee and it's not an approved machine by your bank, you pay the atm's fee PLUS the $2 (or whatever it is) from your bank as well.

This is because of the new regulations put on banks to make up for "lost revenue" or more costs of doing business.

But yeah, Obama's taking care of the middle class.

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - LKTraz - 09-30-2011

(09-30-2011, 02:06 PM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: But yeah, Obama's taking care of the middle class.

Of course he is! what if his idea of middle class is those who are on a gajillion different govt entitlement programs and practicing registered democrats?

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2011

My point is that he's boasting how he's here for the middle class and whatever he's doing to raise revenue for the government will have no effect on the middle class. which by this very action by the banks he's bailed out with MIDDLE CLASS taxpayer monies, where MIDDLE CLASS people PUT their money and USE their money, is killing the very money we're trying to save and spend wisely.

Nothing to do with welfare and entitlements. Just more of his poorly thought out bullshit.

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Gunnen4u - 09-30-2011

I have USAA so I do not pay ATM fees, well, I do, but I am repayed those fees in to the particular account I drew from at the end of the month. If they start the $5 thing I will just simply use cash everywhere. I mostly do anyhow, and one of Gaston Glock's precious children and I are not worried about being robbed of it.

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Twitchin Kitten - 10-01-2011

I wonder if Matt qualifies for that insurance being a Gulf war 1 veteran?

Gunnen, this is about using your check card to purchase something and having to pay a fee per transaction, separate and on top of any ATM fees.

Fuckers, it takes them more time and effort to process a paper check than it does to do electronic transactions. That was the whole point of pushing people to go electronic in the first place. Now we're going to go back to cash and paper checks.

Maybe this is a ploy to keep the Postal Service relevant? Mail more paper checks instead of using electronic transfers? Keep the mailmen working!

I could go old fashioned all the way and go so far as snail mail and postal money orders if it comes down to it.

I also use ING online bank. So far their checking account has not had any fees for use of the card for purchases but for free ATM you need to find recommended machines.

Another thing I forgot to mention, and not sure if the article says so, but with BOA you have to also keep $6K in your checking account so you don't have fees of some sort as well.

I barely get by from paycheck to paycheck and they expect me to keep $6k in there?

Hooray for taking care of the middle class.

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - Gunnen4u - 10-01-2011

I know what some banks are charging for debit/credit card swipes. I was talking about that as well.

And yes, Matt qualifies for USAA. Any veteran, their spouse, and their kids, are eligible. I highly suggest you guys start banking with them starting like 4 minutes ago. I have USAA for my Savings, Checking, Vehicle Insurance....they go even further than that and the customer service is top-notch.

No minimum balances required. It's a credit union rather than a *bank*. Banks that require you put money in the account or keep a running balance are fucking ripoff assholes. USAA all the way.

RE: Banks to make customers pay a fee for using Debit Cards - LKTraz - 10-01-2011

I realize it has nothing to do with entitlements and such. I was punctuating the fact that Obama has no earthly clue how the middle class of America lives from day to day.

I suppose that with this I'll go back to doing what I did when ATM cards first arrived on the scene which is, use it to grab cash from the machine for purchases. Fortunately my bank (Wells Fargo) has ATM's all over hell's half-acre.

It WILL however fuck me for online purchases and paying some of my bills!