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Terra Nova - JohnWho - 09-26-2011

Terra Nova premieres on FOX tonight.

Will it be worth watching?

Will it have the characters and elements of intrigue that "Lost" had?

At least it will have dinosaurs.

RE: Terra Nova - Twitchin Kitten - 09-26-2011

Going to DVR the show. Matt's interested but I'm not very much. The first episode will tell.

RE: Terra Nova - Jamminitin - 09-26-2011

Looks stoooopid to me. And political.

No offense intended, I generally don't like the sci fi stuff along this vein.

RE: Terra Nova - Twitchin Kitten - 09-28-2011

Anyone besides me and Matt watch this?

I'm not too impressed. The characters didn't grab me at all and some of the stuff just didn't make sense to me.
Like the fence. Some of the long necked dinos were able to easily reach in and grab snacks from the humans but what's stopping that from some of the bigger flesh eaters from blowing right through it? Those itty bitty spikes at the top certainly wont.

And back to "future time" - if the earth is that fucked up where it's not even a blue planet from space, how is anyone surviving at all?

They just jumped into the whole thing without any build up of how and why as if everyone knows the storyline. Is this originally a comic book? Novel?

I have it set to record and will watch the next show but it better pick up significantly to hold my attention.

Jammin' - it was slightly political. The whole "we fucked up the earth and now we're doomed" and "the rich people have it good" were the political bits I got from it all.

RE: Terra Nova - JohnWho - 09-28-2011

Yeah, the political aspects bothered me, but if they are just part of the "set up" to show why we are starting over, then I can overlook them. Unless they become a major aspect of the show, then I'm watching something else.

I also think that the weapons they were using should have been tailored somewhat to take care of those pesky dinosaurs much better. That needs to be addressed.

However, they had some intriguing aspects - the Sixer "other" group, the images on the river rocks, and the potential for exploration of the surroundings.

Also, they did not go back in time to our/their Earth - they are in a different timeline - so what they do won't effect our/their future. Perhaps it might be useful to determine exactly whose timeline they are messing up, though.

I'd like to see some further character development, including more folks even if just in one episode or so.

Wonder if they'll tell us whether dinosaur meat tastes like chicken?


RE: Terra Nova - LKTraz - 09-28-2011

(09-28-2011, 03:59 PM)JohnWho Wrote: Wonder if they'll tell us whether dinosaur meat tastes like chicken?


Sounds to me that the search for the answer to this question may be the only reason to watch this show.

RE: Terra Nova - Twitchin Kitten - 09-28-2011

JohnWho Wrote:Also, they did not go back in time to our/their Earth - they are in a different timeline - so what they do won't effect our/their future. Perhaps it might be useful to determine exactly whose timeline they are messing up, though.

Interesting. So earth in their timeline will eventually go to hell and die off. But what about all that shit theory about messing up timelines? You know, step on a butterfly in one time and you fuck it up for everything from here on forward. Will we be doomed? Why kill off dinosaurs when we already fucked up the timeline?

I dunno, lots seem too weird, especially the yellow earth from space. No human can live in that environment and we cannot evolve to adapt that fast and then be able to breathe clean air on the other side so quickly.

RE: Terra Nova - JohnWho - 09-28-2011

Yeah, they won't mess up their own timeline, so they can step on every butterfly they see.

But they surely are messing up somebodies timeline.

RE: Terra Nova - Twitchin Kitten - 09-28-2011

Exactly. And what makes them so sure they won't destroy everything they touch again?

RE: Terra Nova - Twitchin Kitten - 09-28-2011

And what about that time travel "butterfly" theory? What if it's all wrong? I mean if you're destined to be [whatever] in your lifetime and the planet is destined to be [however], isn't finding and going back / forward in time all part of the grand scheme of it all? So, if it's meant to be, are we really messing up something?

That's what is fun about theories - they could be completely wrong even with all the giant brains pondering what it may be. Biggrin