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Something not very publicized - LKTraz - 09-11-2011

This article appeared in the Washington Post.
"Mainstream media" has failed to pick up on it. (No big surprize there)

Click to read

RE: Something not very publicized - Twitchin Kitten - 09-11-2011

Interesting story. What makes me shake my head though is how our government was totally unprepared for ANY attack on the homeland and not having a squadron at the ready in at least 4 key locations in the country with REAL ammo. How did we come to be so complacent when we've been attacked like 6 times alone in NYC prior to this event?

RE: Something not very publicized - LKTraz - 09-11-2011

My guess...and it just a that it would be a cost reduction strategy.

Keeping aircraft armed and ready requires quite a number of personnel to be actively working. Even though these people are essentially being paid no matter what they are doing, if actively manning the posts needed for such a program they would be using resources like utilities (elect, water, HVAC, gas for vehicles) and require personnel to keep up with supporting documentation and all the related paperwork the govt is so fond of.

As such if no force is on combat ready standby, personnel can be spread out thinner thereby reducing the effective cost of operations for any given location.

Just a guess.

RE: Something not very publicized - Twitchin Kitten - 09-11-2011

Well, how did that theory, if true, work out in cost and effectiveness? Not very well as we all can see.

They run training runs constantly, costs close to what keeping squadrons at the ready does anyway. I just can't see how NOT being ready for some kind of attack isn't logical. Isn't it the first job of the president to keep us safe? I think the president's main jobs are to keep us free, and to keep us safe. The rest is all below that.

RE: Something not very publicized - Gunnen4u - 09-11-2011

Yes, but those are not the priorities of American gov't anymore.

RE: Something not very publicized - Twitchin Kitten - 09-11-2011

Yeah I noticed. Sickening isn't it? My father is probably turning over in his grave at the way things have been changing.

RE: Something not very publicized - Gunnen4u - 09-11-2011

Is anyone else enjoying the caterwauling on the TV? I am going to risk annihilation here, and say that I am unmoved by any of the memorial stuff or what-not. What's more, is the 9/11 victims are overrated.

9/11 could be seen as an Osama victory day really. Before it, we were a relatively happy and successful country. After, we have a gov't organization that molests the vagina's of four-year olds or some such in the name of safety or whatever, two miserable money pits of wars, the application of the Patriot Act, which has been used more for the drug war than terrorism, and the overall ascension of Marxism in the executive and legislative branches of gov't with the obvious results being made plain today. High Debt, inflation, threats of bankruptcy and default, unemployment. There is also an ever-less hidden agenda of social experimentation and political correctness and affirmative action. People whisper and worry about impending collapse.

Ten years on, Osama may be dead, Afghanistan a smoldering mess of embers and small fires and Iraq relatively quiet, with things somewhat stable here in the US (for now), but we certainly are not coming out on top.

RE: Something not very publicized - Twitchin Kitten - 09-11-2011

No we're not. Why? because no one wants to do things correctly. We're too busy being politically correct and not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings in the process of protecting ourselves.

I'm a hard ass when it comes to me and mine. I will starve you, I will chop your goddamn head off to keep what I have. Somewhere this country lost that will and is too busy pandering to bleeding hearts and other undesirables.

I don't watch the ceremonies. I watched the towers go down, I smelled it for a week all the way down here. I have friends lost and friends sick from cleaning up and I don't see how crying on the anniversary helps even those who suffered a personal loss that day.

IMO the Arabs see us as weak for this. We need to give them the finger, call a spade a spade and stop taking bullshit from them when they try to call racism or bigotry when we don't want their shit in our face. In the last 10 years since this happened, I've been seeing more and more muslims in my area. Women with pashmina's on their heads, mosques going up in suburbia and dirty looks from arabs when you pass them by. I see this is part of their strategy, Gunnen. It makes me very uncomfortable. I'm the least prejudiced person but my instincts are usually on target.
My father volunteered for WW2 because he loved this country for what it was. He didn't wait to be drafted. If he heard Arafat's name, he spit and cursed him in Arabic. He valued the freedom we had and taught us to fight for it. Sometimes I think we're in a losing battle.

RE: Something not very publicized - LKTraz - 09-11-2011

To be completely honest here..........I agree that the rank and file victims (for lack of a better descriptive) are being held up as more than that which they were. That being simply innocent victims of a terrorist act.

Those rank and file civilians who survived the attack are a notch above regardless of whether through their own decisiveness or the simple kismet of being in the right place at the right time.

The next level are those who committed selfless and valorous acts.

Those who are rightfully honored on this date are the FDNY, NYPD, NYPA and EMS responders who made the supreme sacrifice to assist their fellow man!

We have moved in a direction which highlights the fact that the government and it's supporting leftist portion of society want us to be frightened rabbits who look to those in positions of power to be our sole protectors.

I would not be in the least bit surprized if sometime today President Jughea.....uh Big Ea......uh Ocommi....oh hell I'll just call him fuckwit, didn't apologise to the Muslims for us pissing them off which drove them to commit the acts the radicals of their ranks did 10 years ago.

RE: Something not very publicized - Gunnen4u - 09-11-2011

I think war against the sand people, while often needed and justified, is and was always second in the minds of gov't officials. When 9/11 happened and they knew they had lived through the day, the concept that this event was the catalyst needed to enact all sorts of legislation previously thought undoable due to public sentiment became a reality. Proof of this is everywhere and it was done with the public watching.

Everything over the course of recent history, the laws enacted, the regulations by unelected and nameless bureaucrats, the gov't even conspiring like they did for Project Gunrunner (thanks ATF - and who thought gov't conspiracies were ludicrous?), all leads to one goal and that is the ultimate majority or monopoly even, that gov't seeks over the will of the people concerning security and livelihoods. That isn't to say the people at large are noble or anything. In fact, they are the problem with their stupidity, laziness and rampant consumerism. I cannot wait till the changing demographics sponsored by govt, such as most kids out of wedlock and dependent on the state - perfect for manipulation really and a support base, not to mention the ever increasing breeding of people who are, by and large, incompatible with the tenets of this country. Marginalization of others, and the affirmative action strong arming by a few. All of this isn't at random or without intent.

Remember all that and the state of things as we get teary eyed and put flags at half mast and all that other bullshit.

I just had a memory of mine crop up, and it was the rampant commercialism of the American popular sentiment right after 9/11 in the form of trinkets and other "Yay America" garbage, just everywhere all over the TV. I hadn't much of a feeling about it at the time other than something was wrong, but looking back, it makes sense.