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Labor Day Weekend - Printable Version

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Labor Day Weekend - Twitchin Kitten - 09-04-2011

Anyone got any fun plans set for this weekend?

We were going to hit Great Adventure today but it's looking like it's going to rain here. dammit! Maybe tomorrow if it's clear.

If not, we'll just be working on that middle room (hopefully) and then possibly I can get Matt to start on the "tool project" with me.

We've got a ton of tool boxes that are a mish-mash of crap, many empty with one or two things in it and other stuff in stupid cardboard boxes lying in a mess downstairs and out in the shed. I want to sort it all out by type of tool it's for (carpentry, plumbing, electrical etc) and throw out anything busted or bent beyond use. My tool shelf downstairs is a disgusting mess since I asked him to clean it up and I hate things looking so disheveled that you can't find anything swiftly. That's our rainy day project.