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Bad week!! - kbear - 08-24-2011

Ok, It has been a bad week!! I'm just saying!!

First all I had a mouse in my house! That is just bad!!!!!!!!!

Ok, he is dead and gone!! But it scard the crap out of me. only took me about 4 hours to pick the trap up. I got the kind that they go in and die and you can't see them. I just hate them!!

Ok, and you all know that I don't like birds or butterflies!!!
Well this morning I go to leave for work. Open the door and there is a big ass flock of birds on the my front yard!! They all take off at once to fly off!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh hell just about fell over!!!!!!

Oh, and let not forget the eathquak yesterday.
What's next a butterfly in my office today!!

If I were a cat I would of use a 8 of my 9 lives!!!!

Ok you can all stop laughing now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I can take the jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Bad week!! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-24-2011

Yes, I am laughing my ass off! You crack me up - the harmless things you're afraid of!

Know what you need? You need a cat. A cat would scare off the birds and butterflies and would take care of the mouse so you don't have to. Once mice know there's a cat in the house, they don't usually stick around either.

Go to the shelter and pick out a nice orange male cat. They're mellow and they like to hunt. Nothing declawed or the point of hunting is useless and they can't go out. You CAN teach cats not to scratch the furniture and rugs. NONE of mine do and with over 40+ cats throughout the last 30 years, not a single one has destroyed anything of mine. Besides, declawing is cruel beyond cruel.

Cats rule. Purr

RE: Bad week!! - Rhubarb - 08-26-2011

Aw Friends
Poor Kim, I'm not laughing (much) Wink

I love birds but they can startle. This morning it was drizzling so I dashed out to the shed and fed the boys before work. Beautiful sunshine by lunch so went out opened the shed....out flew our resident Robin. OMG he made me jump. I never noticed he sneaked during feeding time. The boys didn't seem to concerned but they don't like to be startled.
Mice upset them too, so when I found baby rat wandering in the field I knew they would be petrified of it.

RE: Bad week!! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-26-2011

Kim, just keep listening for the birds this weekend. If they stop, you're in for that storm. Birds alert you to rotten weather. Right now I wish me and the animals had wings.