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Great Adventure! With LK and his family - Printable Version

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Great Adventure! With LK and his family - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

OK so we got a bit of a late start on Monday because we had no idea LK wanted to hit GA on Monday. Good thing Matt called on Thursday! He managed to do one service call and get home in time to meet up with them by noon.

So, we get to the park and we're assaulted by some Russian kid taking pics. We forgot to grab it going out to go home at the end of the night. Doh
I really wanted the pic with all of us together.

Anyway, Max, his daughter, was a little nervous about hitting the coasters so we figured we'd go light on her and hit Superman first. That kid got off that thing with the biggest smile on her face and from then on, she was hooked. A true adrenaline junkie! Did I mention she has never been to GA nor been on a true roller coaster before Monday?

Next? What next - we were going to go on something light but fuck it - we hit the kid with Kingda Ka! HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT THING IS FAST AND AWESOME! There are T-shirts that say Kingda Freakin' Ka and they are right!
Kingda Ka is a cat-shot (hydraulic) that shoots you 128 MPH off the shot straight UP a 90ยบ climb - NO chain pull up! all momentum! Shock
At the top at like 451 feet, you drop straight down 410 feet! Everyone says don't look down. I did, all I saw was the car in front of me. Yes, a true vertical drop and then around and a two brake pass before getting back to the station. Took all of 28 seconds. Max had an ear to ear smile again. She conquered the fastest and the tallest metal coaster in the North East. She has something to brag about.

The park was surprisingly empty. We never stayed on line longer than half an hour and the longest was the log flume which was a gyp. We hit that because it was HOT out there. Low humidity but it felt like we were on the surface of the sun all day! I thought Barb was going to have heat stroke after Kingda Ka! Got her to buy an ice and gulp it down to cool off from the inside. So, after that we bought the big free refill water/soda cups/jug whatever it is, and kept very hydrated.

We hit every coaster and I skipped out on the last two. I had a massive adrenaline headache and figured that since we go a couple times a week anyway, I'll do the rides later.

I poked LK to come out again with just him and Max in Sept when we can get them in free. It'll be even more empty there and we can hit the coasters twice in half the day! We did do Batman twice in a row. No lines there! It's great, the older coasters have no lines where all the new ones have huge lines. I'm OK with that. We just work the park backward instead.

Rolling Thunder was closed for the day. Tantrum No racing coasters! damn them. So we made the kid hit El Toro next door. 75 MPH wood coaster! Another shit eating grin from Max. She's a serious adrenaline and coaster junkie now. She couldn't get enough.

We also found if you flip off the cameras on the coasters they will chuck you out of the park for a year! Kodak has a no free speech policy. Bastards! We had a great photo on Superman! Oh well. But here are some of the other pics on the other coasters we got.

El Freakin' Toro
LK and Max

Me and Matt

Bizarro (I was so wishing that kid would get his sticky arm off me - kid to my right, not Max)

Last ride of the night was Green lantern.

Max got to meet the Caped Crusader and his sidekick!

And here you can see the view of El Toro from the walkway and in the background the very top of Kingda Ka.

RE: Great Adventure! - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

FYI - Kingda Ka in the background of that pic with El Toro is in another section of the park, not right next to it. Just to give you some perspective.

RE: Great Adventure! - LKTraz - 07-13-2011

Specs on Kingda Ka:

Launch: Pneumatic over hydraulic catapult (compressed nitrogen)
Power to launcher: 20,800 HP
Speed/ET: 0 - 128 MPH in 3.5 seconds
Speed at 418 foot drop: 120 MPH
Max height: 456 feet
Track length: 3,118 feet
Ride duration:50.6 seconds

In the El Toro pic Max looks afraid but in reality at that moment she was talking to me before laughing like a hyena!

Before Monday we couldn't get her on more than a kiddie coaster. As Twitch said, her second coaster was Kingda Ka.....BTW, it's the tallest and fastest in North America and the second in the speed category worldwide! Formula Rossa in Abu Dhabi reaches 150 MPH.

Till the end of the day we all thought our legs were gonna fall off but it was well worth the effort!

RE: Great Adventure! - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

The duration is 28 secs LK -->

RE: Great Adventure! - LKTraz - 07-13-2011

The specs I got include the time from brake release at the boarding platform till final brake before entering the platform I guess. Rolleyes

Still and all.......that's one ass kickin' ride!

RE: Great Adventure! - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

That thing looks more insane from the ground than it did riding it though. I was surprised by that. I thought that coaster might be the one to freak me out just a little bit but it's so fast and that climb and drop was cake I didn't have time to freak out. I think the cat shot was more insane to be honest.

RE: Great Adventure! With LK and his family - twisteroo - 07-13-2011

Great thread Twitch....judging by those pics you guys had a blast.

RE: Great Adventure! With LK and his family - kbear - 07-13-2011

Looks like you all had a great time!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing the pics!!!

RE: Great Adventure! With LK and his family - Rhubarb - 07-14-2011

OMG! Shock


I'm glad you had fun- not my thing at all. Although I do like a Waltzer and that 'food-mixer' ride and a good old Steam driven horses.

RE: Great Adventure! With LK and his family - Twitchin Kitten - 07-14-2011

Ugh, I'm sick. I blame GA for this. Incubation time from Monday to today tells me I'm right. The handrails there are FILTHY. You can scrape the funk off them with your fingers. LK and his clan made fun of me for not wanting to touch them but I know I'm sick because I caved by the end of the day and found myself touching one or two. Never mind the nasty slime from all the people before me in each ride's seat.

Next time I'm going to carry hand sanitizer and use it after each ride. This sucks.