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Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Printable Version

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Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Twitchin Kitten - 06-09-2011

China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk <-- clicky

Updated: Wednesday, 08 Jun 2011, 7:54 AM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 08 Jun 2011, 7:54 AM EDT


BEIJING - Chinese scientists have genetically modified dairy cows to produce human breast milk, and hope to be selling it in supermarkets within three years.

The milk produced by the transgenic cows is identical to the human variety, with the same immune-boosting and antibacterial qualities as breast milk, scientists at China's Agricultural University in Beijing said.

The transgenic herd of 300 was bred by inserting human genes into cloned cow embryos which were then implanted into surrogate cows. The technology used was similar to that used to produce Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned by scientists, in Scotland.

The milk is still undergoing safety tests, but with government permission it will be sold to consumers as a more nutritious dairy drink than cow's milk.

Workers at the university's dairy farm have already tasted the milk -- and said it is sweeter and stronger than the bovine variety, according to Sky News .

"It's good," said worker Jiang Yao. "It's better for you because it's genetically modified."

The scientists have also produced animals that are resistant to mad cow disease, as well as beef cattle that are genetically modified to produce more nutritious meat.

The director of the research project, Professor Li Ning, said Western concerns about the ethics of genetic modification are misplaced.

"There are 1.5 billion people in the world who don't get enough to eat," he said. "It's our duty to develop science and technology, not to hold it back. We need to feed people first, before we consider ideals and convictions."

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - twisteroo - 06-09-2011

You mean to tell me that there isn't enough human tits in China for milk???

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Twitchin Kitten - 06-09-2011

They're probably all full of lead poisoning!

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Jamminitin - 06-09-2011

I'm avoiding ingesting GM anything. Next we'll be eating soilant green FFS.

Time to move to the mountains and live off the land.

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - twisteroo - 06-10-2011

Soilant green is people!!!Cowmoo

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Twitchin Kitten - 06-10-2011

LOL Matt saw that movie for the first time last year when I told him about it. Weren't there three flavors? Green, yellow and what? Orange or something? Then they torture you on your death bed by showing you the earth was full of life, green fields, flowers, wildlife etc. You die knowing you had a very shitty existence. Soylent not soilent Tongue

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - twisteroo - 06-10-2011

I guess I would have to do a taste test on human milk and the altered cow milk.

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Rhubarb - 06-10-2011

This one is a bit strange... a car club friend was working in China developing dairy farms. I guess this was what it was all about. He said the Chinese don't actually drink milk or use any by-products to the same extent as the Western world. Also breast feeding was becoming a 'thing of the past' and Baby Formula was very popular- hence the big problems they ended up with

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - LKTraz - 06-10-2011


Good old bovine milk has worked well for us humans for CENTURIES!!!!!! Why fuck with it?

Just remember......most "new and improved" stuff rarely is an improvement and is many times inferior to the original.

RE: Would you Drink Cow-Human milk? - Twitchin Kitten - 06-10-2011

Adult humans should not need to drink milk after they are done growing. Cow milk is not necessarily good for you but it is adequate. Milk from your own species is best but imagine trying to produce enough human milk to satisfy the need we have now?! This is why we use cow milk. They have the biggest udders and can produce buckets and buckets of the stuff.