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Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Printable Version

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Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twitchin Kitten - 02-25-2011

Not sure if any of you heard parts of this radio rant by Charlie Sheen today, but this is the entire "interview".

I'm convinced he's batshit crazy. He's so full of his "gnarly gnarlington self." He's basically blacklisted himself out of television and probably future work for years.

And part two where it leaves off from the end there:

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twilla - 02-26-2011

I read a tiny little bit of his comments yesterday and I'm pretty sure I couldn't stomach hearing the rest. Gotta agree with you, he's in full self destruct mode but he made so much money off that stupid show, he'll never need to work again even with his expensive habits... he'll probably be dead soon anyway.

I feel kind of disgusted with myself ever thinking he was attractive. What a freaking waste.

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twitchin Kitten - 02-26-2011

Yeah, seems his ex wife is one of those "enablers" too. He's off to the Bahamas with her, a porn star and his current girlfriend. Partying and probably "winning".

That guy who did the radio show is a piece of work too. Charlie Sheen is a hero in his eyes. Charlie sheen has all the evidence that 9-11 was done all by the US Government and he can prove it. Both are batshit crazy. I think he may get it a little from his dad. Remember when Martin Sheen went around protesting the war carrying the Cross? His ranting were a little nutty IMO.

He'll blow all his money on hookers, blow and parties, even if he did make a ton of money. Jet setting adds up and when you pay the tab for everyone in the room, it's an even bigger drain on the wallet. If he's invested, when his cash runs out he'll surely dip into that too. Of course it all depends on if he doesn't off himself before he runs his finances dry.

The people who worked behind the scenes for the show (crew etc) are furious with him. Some are demanding he pay their mortgages. Crew does not make much. I know several people who are or were crew for TV here in NY. That stupid show just went into syndication on FX, I wonder if they'll pull that too so he doesn't make any money from residuals?

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twilla - 02-26-2011

It was on a lot longer than it had any right to be, I can't feel too sorry for the crew.

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twitchin Kitten - 02-26-2011

I can. They're just regular employees, unlike this "Winner" who was making "gold out of tin cans".

Granted the show sucked. I tried to watch an episode on FX and couldn't get past the first commercial after the opening credits. Bad acting, stupid punch lines and it's all nothing but "one liners". Baseless drivel.

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Jamminitin - 02-26-2011

The guy is completely nuts. He had no redeeming qualities at all. He is a complete waste of oxygen and space. I hope he loses all his money and has to live under a bridge. Loser.

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twitchin Kitten - 02-27-2011

He's winning, didn't you hear? Rofl

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twilla - 02-27-2011

(02-26-2011, 11:17 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: I can. They're just regular employees, unlike this "Winner" who was making "gold out of tin cans".

Granted the show sucked. I tried to watch an episode on FX and couldn't get past the first commercial after the opening credits. Bad acting, stupid punch lines and it's all nothing but "one liners". Baseless drivel.

That's the nature of that business, most shows don't last more than two season even if they're lucky. I'd still be complaining if I were them, but that show has been on since 2003. That's a long payday for such a transitory business.

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Neutron - 02-28-2011

Unemployment Rose Last Week By Two and a Half Men
Jobs ‘Gone Forever,’ Says Labor Department

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – The economic recovery received an unexpected jolt today as the Labor Department announced that unemployment increased last week by two and a half men.

The 2.5 jobs were lost in the Los Angeles, California area and are “gone forever,” a Labor Department spokesman said in a surprisingly downbeat assessment.

But in a possible boost for the California economy, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer today announced plans to begin marketing a new blockbuster drug called Charlie Sheen.

A bill is already moving through the California State Assembly that would make the drug Charlie Sheen legal for medicinal purposes.

But Carol Foyler, a spokesman for a leading antidrug group in the state, warns that legalizing Charlie Sheen could have “disastrous effects.”

“The drug Charlie Sheen is a gateway drug that leads to harder stuff, like the drug Mel Gibson,” she said.

In other news, the big winner at the Academy Awards was James Franco’s dealer.

RE: Charlie Sheen's infamous radio rant - Twitchin Kitten - 03-02-2011

This guy is the gift that keeps on giving. So many videos I can't post them here but if you go to this YouTube page, you have your pick.

I will give you the "famous" GMA interview though!

Not sure which is part one and part two, but here ya go- Now look at him, don't tell me he's not wasted in this interview. Or the very least, hung over.