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Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Printable Version

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Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Phast Phinger Phil - 02-07-2011

I don't understand all the fuss about this movie. I know I face the danger of being branded artless and lacking understanding but I have to say that I didn't like it. I watched it last weekend and I was mostly bored.

It felt like it was a movie about a psychotic girl whose obsessed mother isn't giving her enough intimate space to masturbate. Because all she apparently needs, for a perfect performance, is to play with herself and/or take roofies/ecstasy or whatever. I do know something about media productions and in the real world they would most likely have used two different dancers for the white & black swan roles. Ahh, but then we wouldn't have a movie.

It seemed mostly an exploration/exploitation of a tired scenario with gratuitous thrills for entertainment value. That is to say, everything that seems interesting in the movie isn't real. Thomas Leroys role was ludicrously scripted and overacted and the whole thing little more than a vehicle for Aronofsky's calling card of "now lets make the audience squirm".

I've no doubt Natalie Portman will get an Oscar for her role as Nina, but the film itself was (imo) just a waste of a good idea. I did like the music by Tchaikovsky though.

RE: Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Twitchin Kitten - 02-07-2011

What are you doing up so late? Insomnia?

This is on our list of 'want to watch' - whenever we get around to it, I'll chime in Smile

RE: Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Phast Phinger Phil - 02-07-2011

Late? I'm going to bed early, it doesn't get much earlier than 3.30am LOL

But srsly, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow and I want to make quite sure I fall asleep before he starts working on me.

RE: Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Twilla - 02-08-2011

They'd have to shoot me up with heroin to get me asleep in a dentist's chair.

RE: Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Twilla - 02-08-2011

By the way, Natalie Portman has irritated me in nearly every role she's been in, I doubt I'll be seeing this.

RE: Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Jamminitin - 02-08-2011

I've not seen it either.

Most big hollywood movie winners to me, seem off kilter. American Beauty and the recent cowboy movie with Jeff Bridges for example. They get all this critcal acclaim but the basic story is about really fucked up people and how depressing their lives are.

RE: Black Swan (possible spoiler) - Twitchin Kitten - 02-08-2011

Netflix says they have no release date as of yet for this one.

You're right though about most recent story lines on big Hollywood productions. They also ran out of original ideas since they're remaking nearly every movie from the last 30 years.
Kids movies are getting pretty boring too. For awhile a lot of them were really cute and creative but it's all come down to either saving the planet and being really politically correct in your young lives or small cute girl melts the heart of the bad guy and turns his heart to good.