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[split] Derailed version - Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Printable Version

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[split] Derailed version - Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twitchin Kitten - 02-01-2011

We're going with Iphones.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - ralgith - 02-01-2011

Yay for piece of shit iPhone. I'm honestly sick of your Apple Fangirl attitude. Apple is NOT all that and a box of chocolates like you think they are. They're expensive trash. Especially early models.

Also, they're way more money, and Android OS is better. Especially since I can develop for it without paying Apple for legal development software. Fuck Apple and their bad policies and ridiculously overpriced equipment. You pay through the nose so they can pay for advertising that misrepresents things. Like the Mac vs. PC commercials. Umm, I'm SORRY FUCKING IDIOTS, BUT ITS a Macintosh PC vs. an IBM COMPATIBLE PC, STOP TEACHING THE MASSES TO BE EVEN MORE IGNORANT THAN THE FUCKS ALREADY ARE!

Android powered phones are already more popular and more powerful than iShitPhones, thank god.

But so fucking what if you're getting an iPhone, you could STILL TRY the Android OS for free instead of being a mindless fucking Apple Fangirl Drone.

Now go pollute some other thread with your iShit, or discuss Android in the Android thread.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twilla - 02-01-2011


RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twitchin Kitten - 02-01-2011

Fuck you Dylan. Fuck your Linux Fanboy shit too. That shit goes two ways my friend.

Fuck you if you don't like that I am totally enjoying my APPLE products. Like the fucking commercial gave me the balls to buy one? Like I give a shit about what they spend their money on to promote their very good products.

Fanboy is the last thing to describe me as. I resent it. I am happy with my apple products because they are NOT GIVING ME GRIEF. PERIOD.

I do not want to try the Android OS. Everyone I know using Android shit is complaining about poor battery life. They hardly get a full day without needing a charge. I guess it's a life hog. Fuck that. I also spent an extra-ordinate amount of time in the phone stores playing with it. Not for me.

APPLE works. Screw you if you don't like it.

You are easily enraged all because I want the Iphone. Twilla has one. I don't see many complaints from her about it. Half my friends have one, they're not complaining. So that piece of shit seems like a pretty good deal to me.

And as far as support - so I may pay a little more for the Apple product but I know I can walk into any apple store and get instant support. I can pick up a phone and get an American in America who understands what I'm asking and I've NEVER had to wait on hold for more than it takes the robot to say "One moment please". You get what you pay for. I don't want to pray a website has the answers for me when there is an OS issue with Linux.

As for shitting in your thread? Don't shit on me in my house. I did nothing to provoke you to name calling. Fuck you. All I said is WE ARE GOING WITH THE IPHONE.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twilla - 02-01-2011

I've never complained about my iphone, I love it.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twitchin Kitten - 02-01-2011

I wanted the Iphone for two years now. My contract is up, we've been shopping around and now that Verizon has the Iphone, I'm going to waste my money on that crap.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - ralgith - 02-01-2011

Except for two things.
1. I admit Linux has flaws. You refuse to do so with your Crapintosh.
2. I help you when you have problems with your Mac, all I ever get from you when I post Linux related things is you bringing up Apple shit.

Difference between good natured ribbing and fanboy: Fanboys can't admit when their product fails, good natured ribbing is a tease, but then getting on with the topic.

Thanks for destroying another quality discussion with your Mac, which had no place in said discussion.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twitchin Kitten - 02-01-2011

Yeah, and you ripping Havoc a new asshole in the photo assignment was so on topic and wait - you have never, ever in the history of your posting here derailed, or participated in a derailed conversation. OK.

You draw plenty of blanks my friend. I do say there are things with the Mac I either don't like or has given me a minor problem with. Please tell me the big problems you have helped me with? The keylogger you swore I have? How'd that work out.

I'll admit to the flaws when i come across them. I'm 99.9999999% certain I already have. But you know, these things are so minor I can get past them.

In case you haven't noticed, no one has ever jumped up and down and said, "Thank God you're posting all this Linux stuff. We'd be lost without it."

I said one sentence - "We're going with Iphones." and you went ballistic. Calm the fuck down, it's really not the end of the world.
Instead you could have continued the discussion civilly instead of crying "fanboy". You could have logically pointed out the differences between the two. But no, you're lacking sleep, cranky, bitchy and feel the need to name call and berate. Fuck you.

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - Twilla - 02-01-2011

I'm posting from my iPhone. Smile

RE: Test Drive Android on your PC (Windows, Mac, or Linux) - LKTraz - 02-02-2011

Good grief folks. They're FUCKING PHONES!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a Motorola Karma and got the data package solely for the purpose of the pricing for my plan which also includes 3 other non-data capable phones. Geez!

Let's see.....I use it to call people and text. The few litttle apps it has are nice but I use them very infrequently. If I want GPS I'll go buy a Garmin. I once in a while use it to look here when I'm sitting at a customer bored. Since it takes forever to navigate a website it's really not very practical.

All the apps you can get for Android and iPhone are cute little toys that you have lived without up to now and are simply conveniences. What app is that damned important that you just HAVE to have while on the go?

If they are that important then why not get a netbook or a laptop with an aircard? (Yeah yeah I know....."They're bulky and my phone fits in my pocket") Either way it's a pretty good $$$ layout for conveniences even though they are cool.