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Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twitchin Kitten - 01-11-2011

Those psychotic imbeciles at the Westboro Baptist Church Plan to picket the funerals of the people from Saturday's Arizona shootings. INCLUDING the 9 year old girl.

In the time between then and now, rumor has it that Arizona is trying to pass a law that limits what that sick congregation does.

I say "rumor" has it because the stories are coming from the Huffington Post. Sometimes they like to elaborate and make stories a little more colorful Wink

From the get go with this shooting, there have been people putting blame on the far right for riling this nut-job up. There is talk about making certain speech illegal, ramping up the gun control etc. The media is having a field day with this on both sides of the political spectrum. What's truly sad is this isn't a political thing but a nut-job thing. This kid is batshit crazy and no law restricting speech or firearms would have stopped his actions on Saturday. Everywhere there are gun laws there are illegal arms being sold to criminals.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twitchin Kitten - 01-11-2011

FYI- I can't even get to that "church's" site - probably due to heavy traffic right now.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - LKTraz - 01-11-2011

A radio personality brought up a good point could make guns illegal as well as knives, hammers, pipe wrenches, broom sticks, baseball bats etc and would anyone think to also include cars? He could just as well have gotten into a car and rammed into the crowd given that this was an outdoor event at a strip mall.

Begins to sound pretty damned ridiculous when you put it those terms.

As for the talk radio shit......the nutball was a conspiracy theorist believing that: we never landed on the moon, the Mars Rover is faked, Bush directly did the 9/11 attacks and steered Katrina to New Orleans, that the government is using mind control (well if you exclude indoctrination in public school it's a conspiracy theory), and was obsessed with the 2012 prophecy. As well his favorite books were Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto.

Now does THAT sound like someone who listens to CONSERVATIVE talk radio? YEAH RIGHT!

Add to this that gee....the "Fairness Doctrine" was in force when JFK, RFK and MLK and John Lennon were assassinated and Presidents Reagan and Ford had unsuccessful assassination attempts against them. I call bullshit on this one big time.

According to arrest records this guy was no stranger to the Sheriff who is spouting this bullshit. Now why is it that this law official couldn't or wouldn't do something about this screwball BEFORE this?

As for the way off in left field protesters........these nutcases need to be sent somewhere far far away from the rest of society. In essence they are defending what this murderous psycho did!!!!!!

BTW......for those who don't know, the 9 year old girl was the granddaughter of former Philadelphia Phillies manager Dallas Greene. She had just been elected to student council and was there to meet the congresswoman because she was interested in learning more about the political/governing process.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - twisteroo - 01-11-2011

They said on the news tonight that they can't protest within 300 feet of this little girls funeral.
It should be 300 fucking miles. Cocksuckers!

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twitchin Kitten - 01-11-2011

Some of the church people came up with an idea of making giant angel wings to line up in front of the church to block the view of these wastes of life.

I think that 300 feet thing has been enacted last year when they got heavy with the fallen soldiers funerals.

Shit like this goes way beyond what free speech is all about. This is hateful plain and simple.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twilla - 01-11-2011

If hell exists, these people are taking the express elevator.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twitchin Kitten - 01-11-2011

I'm sure they got their one way ticket bought and paid for many times over. They are the exact opposite of what I was taught in religion classes as a kid. "Christians" are supposed to be kind and forgiving. At least that was what the Catholics were teaching. I don't know what these Christian type churches teach (baptist, evangelical etc), but with the likes of this church and Jeremiah Wright, it's no wonder no one wants to tolerate it.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Jamminitin - 01-11-2011

These people are complete nutcases and wrapping their belief system in the flag of christianity to try and give it credence.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twitchin Kitten - 01-11-2011

All it takes is one nut case to screw things up for everyone.

RE: Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Az Funerals - Twitchin Kitten - 01-12-2011

Twist, Arizona passed an emergency law last night that they must stay 100 feet. Not nearly enough IMO. 300 was too little. But at least it's something to get things rolling.