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Survivors (BBC 2008) - Printable Version

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Survivors (BBC 2008) - Twilla - 12-05-2010

I really enjoy Brit TV, they're not afraid to take on science fiction or fantasy, unlike American TV that likes to dip its toes in and then (usually) runs screaming from the pool to safely wrap up in a reality TV show or a CSI clone.

However we do at least one thing right in our shows... we kick anyone's ass that invades our territory. The show in question is about a group of survivors in England after a deadly flu epidemic that kills off 99% of the population. Hardly anyone is armed, except the bad guys of course, so our little group of heroes are constantly facing others that want to take their possessions. Not only that, but they keep running into bad guys everywhere. As much as I'm enjoying the show, the coincidences are getting to be aggravating. Four people in a ten mile radius? They're all at one house, trying to either rob it or protect their meager possessions. Come on people, there are MILLIONS of empty houses just begging to be searched. Stores and warehouses standing unguarded.

I was a fan of Jericho and those people didn't take shit off anyone. In Survivors, one of the women keeps leaving on her own to search for her son. Does anyone really think that's safe? Yet she's unarmed. What an idiot. The last scene, I had to stop because I was getting annoyed, showed two men driving up to the house our heroes were occupying... like I said, there are only a handful of people left in the world and they all seem to keep running into each other. Sheesh! Dodgy

RE: Survivors (BBC 2008) - Twitchin Kitten - 12-05-2010

We started watching a lot of BBC America this month.

They got Law & Order UK - I can't believe the level of NON privacy in the UK! We nicknamed it Pigs and Wigs because of the commercial that says (something like) "In the criminal justice system the people are represented by two groups, the police who investigate the crimes and the Crown Prosecutors who prosecute the offenders..."

Luther - a mini-series and it looks like there will be a part two in the future. We really enjoyed that one.

RE: Survivors (BBC 2008) - Twilla - 12-05-2010

That movie I posted about last week about the CCTV operator? Apparently there are cameras EVERYWHERE, big brother probably knows the last time you had a bowel movement.

Jesus, Law and Order is over there too? It's like a plague.

I think I've heard of Luther... ooooh, just took a peek and saw it's got Idris Elba, that magnificent hunk of a man. I'd watch it just for him. Another "psychological thriller" you might enjoy is "Wire In The Blood". The protagonist is a very socially awkward but brilliant psychologist working with the police force on some very brutal crimes. Nothing new there but it's so well done!

RE: Survivors (BBC 2008) - Jamminitin - 12-05-2010

I liked Jericho too. How sad that one ended.

RE: Survivors (BBC 2008) - Twitchin Kitten - 12-05-2010

Yeah, Idris Elba was a pleasure to look at. One thing that irked me though is he just can't pronounce TH.... it's always 'whif', 'Lufer' - drove me nuts.

Hell, you didn't know about the cameras in the UK? It's the most video taped country on the planet! Ask Trudi, Gail (Nightmare) or anyone else who lives there. I can't imagine my privacy being invaded at that level.

RE: Survivors (BBC 2008) - Twilla - 12-05-2010

I was aware there were cameras but the way the movie showed it, they can literally track you crossing a busy city. That's a shitload of cameras and personnel.

RE: Survivors (BBC 2008) - Twitchin Kitten - 12-05-2010

Yes it is and it's all true.

Every crime drama you watch on BBC TV you'll notice they depend on the video first for info gathering. My friend Karen has told me this is all true, even for TV. She was a cop and now a lawyer in the UK and she hates the lack of privacy. Did you know every email can be read there if they feel like it and they don't need a warrant to do so?

I would crack up when OP over at Mock would say to me how much freedom he has compared to the USA and how we're not free.