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Hooray for Censorship! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-19-2010

Jay Rockefeller on how censorship is a good thing.

and here he is on how the internet never should have been invented.

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Neutron - 11-20-2010

IDIOT!!!! Crazy

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Twilla - 11-20-2010

Huh. I didn't see where he was promoting censorship, he actually said he wanted 'quality news'. Suggesting getting rid of FOX and MSNBC was a little over the top, but they ARE the two worst offenders. I agree with him completely that these kinds of 'shows' are causing a rift between the two parties.

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Twilla - 11-20-2010

And regarding the second video... yes, he did say "do you ever wonder if it would have been better if we had never invented the internet?" but he went on to say that was a stupid thing to say... he was only using it as a segue into saying how important cyber security is for the defense of this country.

I'm not defending this guy, in fact I've never heard of him before, but you're taking his words out of context.

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-20-2010

I don't remember if it's in the clip I have here or one I saw on TV but he did say that getting rid of cable news would allow the people to trust their government again. (paraphrasing). I admit to not fully listening to the first clip because it looked like the right one when I grabbed it. It could be cut off before that comment.

But, that's the comment that pissed me off - that without cable news we will trust the government 'again'. As if we ever did!

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-20-2010

OH and suggesting getting rid of any news program/channel or any other show that is on legally, is IMO censorship. It's not the context, its his intention/desire.

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-20-2010

OK, just had a chance to sit here and listen to the first clip again and I still say he's begging for some kind of censorship.
I had to run back inside for Daisy. It's going to be one of those weeks with her. She's fussier than last time with her leg.

Now the second clip I'll give ya - I was actually looking for the first one and saw the tag line for the second one and found it ridiculous, played it and got distracted and really didn't pay attention. Listening again, Rockefella's actually making a valid point. Too bad they cut it off and it's too short of a clip.

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - LH - 11-20-2010

If the internet had been around during WWII, D-Day would have never happened. Today networks pounce on stories and give their "opinion" before all the facts come out. Stupid people believe everything they hear and out the door they go running naked in the street yelling "the end is near".

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - LKTraz - 11-21-2010

There's nothing the left wouldn't do to get rid of Fox News and that includes throwing "one of their own" ie MSNBC under the bus. It has nothing to do with "fairness" and all to do with trying to stifle any dissenting view.

These folks thought Tass and Pravda were free press.

I think Rockefeller is one of the morons pushing for "net neutrality", which is far from neutral.

RE: Hooray for Censorship! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-21-2010

Maybe, but in all fairness, the internet clip I posted he was talking about terrorism and national security. I failed to pay attention when I found it and posted that one.

now the top one, regardless of one's political view, regardless of one's opinion of ANY TV station, the very thought of 'getting rid' of them by force of government is censorship in my opinion. He wants cable news off the air because they've been holding government to task and they don't like that. He clearly wants people to fully trust what the government is doing and that's one of the main reasons this country was founded in the way it was.

Ben Franklin said we should fear our government and he's right.