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Movies you loved as a child - Printable Version

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Movies you loved as a child - Twilla - 10-21-2010

The Tom Bosley thread made me remember one of my childhood crushes which lead me to remember some of my favorite children's movies. I doubt any of you have heard of some of these since they're from the 60s...

My Side Of The Mountain
1969 (the book was WAY better but the boy starring in the movie was really cute and I loved him very much) Blush

Quote:Sam, a brilliant child, leaves home for the mountains after being told that the family summer trip has been canceled, thus preventing him from doing the algae experiments he had planned for that summer. The film chronicles his struggle for independence, and with the forces of natures.

Island Of The Blue Dolphins 1964 (this one absolutely killed me, one of the first movies I ever saw that made me cry semi-hysterically... ah, good times)

Quote:From wiki: This novel is based on the true story of Juana Maria, the "Woman of San Nicolas Island", a NicoleƱo Indian left alone for 18 years on San Nicolas Island, one of the Channel Islands off the California coast, before being rescued in 1853. By this time Juana Maria was the last known member of her tribe, and was unable to communicate with anyone she met on the mainland. She lived with the family of George Nidever, one of the men involved in rescuing her, but died after only seven weeks.

Planet Of The Apes 1968 I was 10 when this movie came out and I got to see it at the drive-in. WOW!!

There are several more, but I don't want to bore you.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - twisteroo - 10-21-2010

I think I remember the book my side of the mountain, the kid lived in a tree, right? I never saw the movie but that was a really good story.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - Twilla - 10-21-2010

(10-21-2010, 11:17 AM)twisteroo Wrote: I think I remember the book my side of the mountain, the kid lived in a tree, right? I never saw the movie but that was a really good story.

Yeah, now that you mention it, I think it was a hollowed out tree from a lightning strike or something. The only part that really stands out in my memory is the peregrine falcon egg or chick he stole that he trained to help him hunt.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - twisteroo - 10-21-2010

I also remember some crap about making acorn flour and using his old denim pants for fire starter.
It all sounded pretty romantic and I'm quite sure I wanted to be him and live in that tree.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - Rhubarb - 10-21-2010

I don't know any of those except Planet of the Apes, which I know I haven't seen or any of the sequels.

I saw a lot of films with my Grandmother (she loved the cinema and saw anything and everything).
I remember she took us to a wonderful theatre in Bournemouth (gold and red drapes, cherubs on the wall and candlabras in the corridors) to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. There was an intermission just as the car drove off the cliffs! Shock I recall the stunned silence of a full auditorium as the curtains closed over the advert for popcorn and ice cream.

Went to see Clint Eastwood The Eiger Sanction with my hubby and his brother (who sat between us at my request because I hate popcorn and Mark had 2 bags of the stuff! He was also driving because Mark had badly burned hands from an accident at work it was our first 'cinema date'). Rolleyes Memories. I really enjoyed the film regardless of its bad press.

Went to see Grease with all my girlfriends. Got to beat our record of getting into the cinema 3 times in succession to see it, noon, matinee and evening showing all on the same day
Jesus Christ Superstar was the other but only managed 2 sittings because of the queue to get in wot

RE: Movies you loved as a child - Twilla - 10-21-2010

Oh, if we're discussing beloved movies we saw as teens, I'd be here all day. The first time they showed Franco Nero on the big screen as Lancelot in Camelot... *swoon!* Those eyes! Franco Zefferelli's Romeo and Juliet was a big favorite of mine too, I was absolutely obsessed with it. I thought Logan's Run was pretty wonderful mainly because of the beautiful Michael York (who was also in Romeo and Juliet.) I obviously enjoyed movies a lot more back then if they had handsome men in them.

I enjoyed Jesus Christ Superstar too, the Mary Magdalene song to Jesus was beautiful.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - Twitchin Kitten - 10-21-2010

I saw that on Broadway when I was 12 or 13 and thoroughly enjoyed it. You know, I'm drawing a big blank on movies as a kid. My parents didn't take us out to any movies as a family much. I vaguely remember going to see Puss in Boots when I was very young. I'm surprised I still have a memory of that.

As we got older, they used to run cartoon movies for the 8 to 10 age group and I remember seeing Flintstones, Jetsons and the Munsters movies. Everything else was on Sunday night TV with The Wonderful World of Disney (originally the Wonderful World of Color before Walt Disney died).

RE: Movies you loved as a child - Twilla - 10-21-2010

Ring of Bright Water? Born Free? There were a ton of excellent animal movies back then.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - twisteroo - 10-21-2010

OK, shit, I remember seeing the Cowboys with John Wayne when I was about 10 and thought that was pretty cool. Girls and their cute lions and shit....pfft.

RE: Movies you loved as a child - twisteroo - 10-21-2010

BTW, I didn't forgive Bruce Dern until he did the Burbs with Tom Hanks.