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Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - Printable Version

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Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - Vizth Hal - 08-28-2010

Quote:DEADLY sea monsters have woken from the deep to cause carnage among some of the world’s richest fishing grounds.

Millions of killer giant squid are not only devouring vast amounts of fish they have even started attacking humans.

Two Mexican fishermen were recently dragged from their boats and chewed so badly that their bodies could not be identified even by their own families.

No wonder the giant squid are called “diablos rojos” – red devils.

Monster squid are the stuff of legend. But for fishermen and marine biologists along 10,000 miles of coast from Chile to Alaska, the myth has become reality.

And their story is told this week in a Channel Five documentary.

Since 2002, Humboldt giant squid, named after the 18th century German explorer, have been spreading their tentacles to deplete fishing stocks by moving from their traditional tropical hunting grounds off Mexico and laying claim to a vast sweep of the Pacific.

Hunting in 1,000-strong packs the giant squid can out-swim and out-think fish. Scientists believe they coordinate attacks by using pigment cells to communicate.

A single female is believed to be able to lay 30 million eggs, each one capable of becoming a giant killing machine.

Marine biologists wear chain-mail to protect themselves from creatures that can measure 8ft, weigh 100lb and carry an armoury of more than 40,000 fearsome teeth along two “attack” tentacles.

The creatures have another eight “legs” for grasping and swimming and can reach speeds of more than 15mph.

Former US special forces diver Scott Cassell has put his life on the line to study the squid. He too has been attacked.

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - twisteroo - 08-29-2010

I will go to the Chinese buffet today and eat one of their cousins just to kind of even things out.

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - Twitchin Kitten - 08-29-2010

Barf I don't eat squid or octopus.

Those giant squid are really cool though but that 'beak' is kind of freaky. There has been an increased scientific interest in them lately or so it seems from shows on the Discovery channel.

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - Rhubarb - 08-29-2010

I always say, if there is Mediterrain food on the menu, 'I don't do Squid or Rubber bands'. They taste the same.

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - Sally - 08-29-2010

I love calamari. We eat at this Italian place that flash fries them with pepper rings, it's so good.

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - twisteroo - 08-30-2010

I actually steer away from eating anything that has more than 6 arms.

You ever see those Japs on TV eating the live squid with the legs wrapped around their faces and stuff? That's pretty fucked.

Can I say Japs?

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - BarEdul - 08-30-2010

hmmm, squid is rubbery, I would eat it if I had too but would prefer my supper did not try to eat me before I fried it.

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - Twitchin Kitten - 08-30-2010

(08-30-2010, 05:13 AM)twisteroo Wrote: Can I say Japs?

You just did. Biggrin

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - BarEdul - 08-31-2010

seriously, I wonder if the up surge in the amount of these squid is because of slightly warmer water temps. They have found that some giant jelly fish in Japan have been producing more babies because the water is warmer in Japan. I know it sounds all liberal green house effect and shit but a few degrees seems to be impacting the sea creatures breeding habits and coral also.... On a serious note any input anyone?

RE: Man-eating squid on the loose in the Pacific. - twisteroo - 08-31-2010

The earth and it's temps and weather patterns have been changing for 4.2 billion years, along with all the creatures that live on it. We were just never around to notice or keep records before.
Someone started keeping records about 100 years ago and now we got all the answers.Gah

I'm sure the oil in the Gulf of Mexico will migrate out and wipe these squid out in due time. Nothing to worry about.