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Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - Printable Version

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Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - LKTraz - 09-06-2009

Here's some pics that just scream "OH SHIT!"

[Image: beermess.jpg]

[Image: bigdump.jpg]

[Image: bigrock.jpg]

[Image: capsize.jpg]

[Image: cement.jpg]

[Image: containers.jpg]

[Image: deertruck.jpg]

[Image: dumbduck.jpg]

[Image: excavator.jpg]
And a few more.

[Image: forklift.jpg]

[Image: horsecar.jpg]

[Image: houserock.jpg]

[Image: JohnOhDear.jpg]

[Image: Landing.jpg]

[Image: needalift.jpg]

[Image: noseover.jpg]

[Image: splitboat.jpg]

[Image: wheelchock.jpg]
[Image: crane.jpg]

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - kbear - 09-06-2009

Oh shit is right!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - Rhubarb - 09-06-2009

they are great examples of not getting it right.
See if I can find one that looks like a total mess up and they we realised it was actually a 'photo-shop' hoax.

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - obycencio - 09-06-2009

poor ducklings!! But that was not true, right?? Tongue

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - Vizth Hal - 09-07-2009

it is, they got rescued though I'm pretty sure, i remember reading it in the news.

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - LKTraz - 09-07-2009

The only one of these that isn't a fuck-up is the C5 coming in for a landing. They actually have plenty of clearance (albeit kinda scary) to land behind where the photographer is. That's why you don't see anyone scrambling.

It looks to me like they're doing a bit of runway maintainence.

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - Twitchin Kitten - 09-07-2009

I gotta admit that I too have sunk a tractor to it's guts like the one above Sad - well not actually me who did it but i was right there. My idiot ex did the deed - probably out of spite because I told him the ground is too soft there due to the swamp and creek. He didn't believe me because it didn't 'feel' soft under his feet.

Dumbass does not weigh as much as a Kubota tractor with a bucket.

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - Rhubarb - 09-08-2009

I saw the film on the TV too. The duck was crossing a busy main road with her brood and everyone stopped to let her cross so lots of people were videoing her. So their were people to help lift the grating and get the ducklings out.

Mallards aren't the brightest bird.

I can't find the one I was going to put up. I guess I deleted the email. It was a car in a harbour in Scotland with a low-loader crane trying to lift it and fell in its another was sent to pull out the loader and that went in too! Only if you look at the picture carefully the first low-loader has disappeared. The photo sequence continues with yet another loader (by now anyone would know the loaders aren't suitable for the job) the car is still by the harbour wall not moved, and two cranes are sticking out the water. It must be a photo-shop, because if the car was too full of water to lift it should have sunk but is 'floating' so why have the loaders disappeared?

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - Twitchin Kitten - 09-08-2009

The car is lighter than the loaders and if there's a good sized air bubble in the roof, it could hang on a bit longer. Mud will suck a heavy machine down like quicksand too.

RE: Things that make you say "Oh shit!" - LKTraz - 09-08-2009

(09-08-2009, 03:16 AM)Rhubarb Wrote: I can't find the one I was going to put up. I guess I deleted the email. It was a car in a harbour in Scotland with a low-loader crane trying to lift it and fell in its self....

Wasn't that a 70's vintage Mini?