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School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - Printable Version

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School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - ralgith - 06-17-2010

Mom: School Bans Son's Hat Over Army Toys
June 17, 2010
Associated Press

PROVIDENCE, R.I. - A Rhode Island mother says her son's school cited its no-weapons policy in stopping the second-grader from wearing a patriotic hat he made to honor Army troops.

Christan Morales says her 8-year-old son, David, was assigned to make a crazy hat for his class at the Tiogue (TEYE'-ohg) School in Coventry. She says they brainstormed and he came up with an idea to glue small plastic Army figures to a camouflage hat with an American flag.

But she says David was not allowed to wear the hat for the project. Morales says his teacher called her to say it wasn't appropriate because it had guns, violating a school ban on weapons and toy weapons.

The principal did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

The story was first reported by WPRI-TV.

RE: School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - twisteroo - 06-18-2010

Here's a link with a picture of the hat.

Damn people have nothing better to do than bitch about stuff.
Things sure have changed.

RE: School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - Twitchin Kitten - 06-18-2010

Yeah, that was on the news this morning. All that kid wanted to do was wear that goofy hat they made for honoring troops and they took it as a weapons "charge"?! What assholes. Truly, assholes.

They are sissying up the kids, sissying up the world really and everyone just sits back and allows these moronic decisions to stand. Don't these "rule makers" even feel the slightest bit stupid when shit like this is brought out on TV, and national TV at that? I've seen these asswipes stand by their decisions on interviews and I just want to reach through the TV and grab them by the eye sockets and give them a good shake.

RE: School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - ralgith - 06-18-2010

By the optic nerves even. :/

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... the average IQ for an adult between 25 and 40 has been dropping steadily for the last 30 years MINIMUM. And society perpetuates it. Eventually we'll all be stupid ignorant robots.

RE: School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - Twitchin Kitten - 06-18-2010

That's called communism. Look at North Korea. Everyone the same, thinking the same, dressing the same, clapping in unison and on and on and on.

"They" want us to be one big happy united world with the same mush feelings, same thoughts and the ability to think for ourselves and be unique among the 'crowd' gone.

RE: School Bans Child's Hat Over Army Toys - ralgith - 06-18-2010
