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Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Printable Version

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RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - LKTraz - 08-20-2012

It also depends on which direction you rub the skin. Blue sharks for example: if you rub from head to tail they seem smooth but go from tail to head their skin is like sandpaper. Sandys are rough in either direction and many times when people are in waist deep water and they feel something rough brush past then "assume" it was rough sea grass were actually grazed by a sand shark passing by.

As a kid my friends and I used to catch sand sharks by hand and then grip them by the dorsal fin and "walk" them like a dog. They have about shit for teeth and a staple in their diet is small clams, scallops and mollusks. Their jaws are more bony plate than teeth which they use to crush the shells and eat the tasty rewards found within. Small fish are also part of their diet as John said.

From the looks of it on the video, they had a fish ball going. Note the color of the water where the sharks are feeding. It indeed looks like brown (dusky) sharks from what I can see.

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - BarEdul - 08-20-2012

That said I must ask who do you know your pissed off at and MAY I bring them to YOUR beach with a small bleeder?

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-20-2012

You know who I'm pissed at. Bring her to my beach anytime. I don't own it Biggrin

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - BarEdul - 08-21-2012

Okey dokey... be Rig't down with that fillet... LOL

RE: Feeding Frenzy at my Beach! - Twitchin Kitten - 08-23-2012

The guy who videotaped this thing got a second chance to tape more.

These are black tip sharks feeding on moss bunker fish.
He was on tv this morning talking about the video and what was going on out there.

Check out his website
This link is to his stuff at Island Beach State Park where we go