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NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Printable Version

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RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-03-2012

You know, this is going to sound bigoted but fuck it if i care. It used to be where I would yearn for more Arabs where I lived. The food, grocery stores, restaurants etc would start popping up all over the place. Now in the last 10 years, we're lousy with muslims. Not Arabs like I knew and grew up with, but stinking, takeovertheworldfuckyouall muslims. Anyone around here if some woman is wearing a head scarf, she's looking at you as if you're a piece of shit. I know only one phrase in arabic - my father used to mutter it and I can't phonetically spell it for you but it means fuck your god. Sometimes I'll mutter it loud enough to hear just for jollies.

RE: NATO Bombs Kaddafi for us, so let's destroy British War Graves! - LKTraz - 03-03-2012

I just found a great site!

How to swear in any language!!!!!!

Here's the link to Arabic: Arabic swear words and phrases

Is this the phrase your dad used?