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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! - Printable Version

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RE: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-26-2010

(11-25-2010, 03:13 PM)Twilla Wrote: Back atcha, Twitch.

I'm most thankful today for NOT having an inbox full of Jacqui Lawson ecards. Wink


(11-25-2010, 08:24 PM)twisteroo Wrote: PS: I hope you all enjoyed your little holiday, over eating and watching football and seeing people you don't see all year....for a reason.

I'll have you know it was just another day, I worked and everything was business as usual, except my favorite porn site was not updated. See everyone wins but me, I was the one that had to sacrifice. So enjoy another happy holiday at the expense of good old twist.

I don't get it, how much time and effort does it take to update a porn site?? The could have posted a naked chick with a turkey and gotten paid overtime or something.

Someone take a picture of themselves naked with their turkey dinner and post it to make me happy.

Thanksgiving....pfft.... Oh boy!!! I can hardly wait for no porn on Christmas.Negative

I will make sure you have something slutty on Christmas Eve so you an peruse it all day Christmas.

I survived the family. This year mom made TWO freakin' turkeys. She split one for me and the psycho who lives in NY. He realized the dog isn't going to go around on a rampage eating all the cats and mauling small children. He was kind enough to bring some old dog treats for her too. 10 year old dog treats. Good thing dogs are not as picky - nay, make that smart as cats and will eat damn near anything, rotten or not.

I came home to an obvious party. Plants were knocked down, couch pillows a-scatter and puke all over the hallway. Good Way to go kitties! Gah

Thank you all for being a great bunch of friends. This site is nothing without you guys. Friends Kiss

RE: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! - twisteroo - 11-26-2010

I gotta wait all the way till Christmas day? I'm missing a day of porn now!! Hurummpphh!!

RE: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! - Twitchin Kitten - 11-26-2010

Patience my pretty.