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Wicked Winter of 2014 - Printable Version

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Wicked Winter of 2014 - Twitchin Kitten - 02-11-2014

Anyone else having a very active winter besides the people on the east coast USA?

We're gearing up for yet another storm this week - had one already overnight Sunday, and it seems to have snowed at least once a week every week since early December.

Last time it was like this was in '78 and the second one was back in '94 when we had 14 snowstorms all dumping over 10" of snow here in the NY tri-state area.

I have had enough!

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - Twitchin Kitten - 02-11-2014

I want to add that the bay is frozen solid and I have seen frozen salt water before, I have never seen it frozen for so long a stretch and for so far a reach. It's frozen as far as the eye can see here and news reports that the NY Harbor is having to use ice breaker boats to keep navigation ways clear for ferries and barges.

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - LKTraz - 02-11-2014

The Delaware river is using ice breakers too. The Susquehanna is 98% frozen in some places.

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - SuZ - 02-12-2014

Post some pictures!

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - twisteroo - 02-12-2014

It's between 8 and 9 below zero here at the moment.

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - SuZ - 02-12-2014

That sounds horrible! How do you guys live and work and even type on your keyboards

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - twisteroo - 02-12-2014

We do have heat in our houses, it was 70 inside and 8 below zero out. That's big goddamn American -8 degrees, not that pussy metric -8 degrees. So it would be like minus 200 in Africa.

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - SuZ - 02-12-2014

(02-12-2014, 05:42 AM)twisteroo Wrote: We do have heat in our houses, it was 70 inside and 8 below zero out. That's big goddamn American -8 degrees, not that pussy metric -8 degrees. So it would be like minus 200 in Africa.

-8... thats -22 in Celsius. Thanks google


Must be a real man to be able to handle that shit. Respect

If you go outside, can you ever find your balls?

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - Twitchin Kitten - 02-12-2014

Balls need lots of coaxing in this weather, SuZ.

It's been so cold here when it hits 30ยบ it feels like spring. Average temps here this time of year is around 40 with freezing spells here and there. You get used to it. Bundle up, lots of layers and wear mittens in sub zero weather and not gloves. Always make sure your feet are warm before putting on socks and shoes because if they are cold, you're only holding the cold in instead of warming them up. Wear a freakin' hat! Afraid of messing up your hair with a hat? Put it up for the day and wear the damn hat. No one likes their ears snapping off. Biggrin

I'll post pictures if we get bombed overnight like they now say. Wat was going to miss us is now going to dump 2 - 4" and that means double their estimates here by the shore.

RE: Wicked Winter of 2014 - twisteroo - 02-12-2014

Pfft...I left the house wearing shorts this morning.
[Image: sany0210.jpg]