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Silly Fox - Twitchin Kitten - 05-29-2010

This cracked me up.


RE: Silly Fox - twisteroo - 05-30-2010

My first thought is photoshop, but he does look like he is stretching. It is pretty funny though.
Most of the foxes I see are just a blur running off into the weeds or brush.

I remember a couple years ago, I was in the local park on my bike and down this lane I see a rabbit sitting there and a red fox withing maybe 30 feet of him. I made noises and stuff to scare them both off, they can go do that wild kingdom shit on their own time, I didn't want to see anyone get eaten while I was there. Besides, have you ever heard a rabbit that is getting tore up by another animal?
It's a noise that you don't want to hear if you can avoid it.

RE: Silly Fox - Twitchin Kitten - 05-30-2010

Yeah I've heard it before and it is pretty awful.

RE: Silly Fox - obycencio - 06-11-2010

LOL, where my brother lives I used to see a family of 3 foxes... then who knows what happened, but they stopped visiting him...

RE: Silly Fox - Twitchin Kitten - 06-11-2010

I have them all over here in the reserve behind the house. Silver fox, I havent' seen red here but when I had the farm inland, we had a ton of reds. I think they're cute unless you keep chickens!

RE: Silly Fox - Rhubarb - 06-11-2010

I hate foxes. They come under Vermin- sorry.
A fox attacked twin babies here in London last week- now, that I find rather strange. I can only think the stupid parents had been feeding the fox in the garden. They give pets Mange and kill pets and garden chickens, just for sport.

RE: Silly Fox - Twitchin Kitten - 06-11-2010

They're not pests here. We have too many wide open areas where they can not be pests I guess.

RE: Silly Fox - twisteroo - 06-12-2010

They are not pests here either, but they are killers. I sometimes worry about our stray cats out hunting in the fields. But I suppose it's the circle of life or something huh? The cat goes out to kill mice or birds and gets eaten by a fox, the fox gets eaten by the coyote, the coyote gets shot and stuffed by a hunter, the hunter gets, the hunter.....I guess the hunter just ended that circle of life crap.

RE: Silly Fox - LKTraz - 06-12-2010

We have a couple red foxes that hunt the fields across the road from the house. They don't bother the farm cats and do a nice job of helping control the rodent population.

There was one very healthy and well fed one that kept cruising the field during deer hunting season. It seemed to not really mind our presence and snatched a few small rodents while were watching it. At one point it came within 150' of us and just minded its own business.

RE: Silly Fox - twisteroo - 06-12-2010

I'll pop up on a fox on a mountain bike trail now and again, they are pretty quick to scoot, so are the deer and everything else. I've always kind of like fox, they are a pretty stealthy animal.